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Dragon 1:72 Black Widow

moon puppy

Staff member
I'm in with the Dragon Black Widow


Got this from Chuck a while back, opened the box a while back but never started it. Going OOB on this build.
So I got started. I'm still liking the idea of both zinc chromate and green zinc in the cockpit, I do wonder if this will be visible when all said and done.

Back wall of the cockpit, seems like it needed something. Picked this up from watching someone free hand some lettering.

Not sure if the first aid kit was stowed here but it seems likely..painted the block white and then masked off a block. Got out the Vallejo Red and a sharp brush.


removed the mask and...



Yellow Zinc with a raw umber wash.


And it's sealed up. Could have gotten the wings on but just pacing myself.

Hope you enjoy, thanks!
I see some Eduard on the left, is it for this aircraft?


Yep, it was in the box, one of those "Premium" kits. Figure since it's there to use it. Got the stinkin' PE seatbelts that won't lay down for nothing... :facepalm
Well I'm getting over this and that and felt like i'd like to hit the garage today. Opened up the garage door to let some fresh air in..forgetting about the pollen that's floating out there soo that didn't last long.


I closed up some seams and gaps on the fuselage and got those sanded down then moved on to the booms.


Pretty nasty gaps found under the wing flaring, guess I could stuff up some styrene in there and make it look pretty.


the other side...

Then I tested the stabilizer

If you look up at the wing root where the flaps meet with the fuselage, you'd see where I didn't get the two symmetrical when I was attempting to model while sick. Big ol honkin gap knocking everything else out of alignment. I have come to this bench to model, not fix my mistakes...which is a major part of modeling but so be it.

That my friends is a show stopper. Too the shelf of shame and all the other WIP that have some sort of stopping point or another.

Till next time!