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Down on the Farm


Well-known member
I'm in between reviews and thought I'd resurrect one that's been by the wayside for years now. I've had a Miniart Farm and the Master Box figures forever and finally decided to tackle the camo on three of them.

unnamed (2).jpg

The recent tractor from Miniart got me thinking about this one again and so I really got back into it...

So now comes time to get ideas of placement...the figures will be coming out of the door on the left to the field kitchen...trying to figure if I want the tractor parked facing in or out...

And the figures at present...more to do...
Thanks Bob and Paul!

Yeah...I'm trying to figure a way to remove some of the shed roof...not sure I'm able to pull that off but I'm researching ;)
Some more work on the coop door and field kitchen today...

Pea soup on the menu...with some procured ham...anyone seen the pig recently?
Most impressive! I think switching the tractor with the right hand trailer in tat pic would be a good switch.

Just my crazy thought....
Thanks all... placement is still up in the air- good suggestions.

Got the front plates on the tractor...and I figured the soldiers coming out of the coop should have grabbed them from somewhere, so I built a roost and some straw from some balsa and baling twine...
oh dear I love that image with the tractor from the front - have you seen cars - the first I think, the sleeping tractors, doesn't it look like one of those?
Thanks everyone!

Well...the tractor is supposed to be temporarily abandoned...so I'm not sure it'd be front and center....once I get the figures planted in place I'll have a better idea of what to do with the rest...
Any transport troops can get their hands on is a target of opportunity. Even if abandoned, it would be pulled out to see if it can run and pull the kitchen trailer. Supplies do need a cover or shelter to protect them. Are you working from any photos?

Thanks again!


Not really...just something I've pictured based on meshing the kitchen and figure set with the farm. The tractor was an additional piece because I thought it would fit. The trailer doesn't really fit too well in the stall, but I can try playing around with it hooked up maybe...