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Christmas Tree Promenade.


Super Moderator
What does your Christmas tree look like this year? Does your family have any interesting/funny holiday traditions?
Since my Mom passed 4 years ago Cindy and I have taken up the task of hosting Thanksgiving for our crowd. We had 30 this year but since we only got our pups Christmas is rather quiet. We'll visit my sisters house to see her klan Christmas eve.
That's not to say we don't do anything, rather SHE puts up stuff. Here's the best snap I got.

Honey has shown no interest in a family portrait, I could only get Sugar to stay still.
We chose our first Christmas tree together this year. It stands on top of the buffet (Not Jimmy.) The cats have left it mostly alone.
I go to the Hallmark store every year to get the annual Keepsake "Sky's the Limit" airplane ornament. They are not for display.
This year, my Dad's wife gave me back a present I had given my Dad in 2018. A Harlow PJC-2. I put her on our tree. A first!
Our unusual family tradition was Nachos and Margaritees at Papa and The Nana's house on Christmas eve.
This year my sister will host. We will dine upon enchiladas! A secret family recipe. I do crazy things when I drink Tequila, so I gave it up some time ago.

I try to get some kind of gimmick or fun for everybody at Christmas time. Last year, everyone got a Nerf dart gun and we had a rousing dart gun fight. One year is was magic snowballs. Plush snowballs with blinking lights inside. A no-mess snowball fight ensued.
This year, every family is getting a Shrek toothpaste dispenser. You can imagine where the toothpaste issues from, Yes?
Mark and Donna Karolus' Christmas tree. Cleveland, WI winter weather is gloomy, but I know well the warmth of the Karolus hospitality.
See the train! COOL!
Well, each year it is repair time for ornaments, I have to fix my son's toy train around the tree (two decades old), and my wife has a miniature village in the bay window. Ornaments are bought each year and I do extras for scavenger hunts. Yep, I even have a shark ornament (or more). Sorry, no photographs yet.
Nice tree Gary, things will settle down soon I'm sure. Cindy and I are looking forward to a nice quiet Christmas ourselves.
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The kids don't bother to come up so we just have a nice and quiet Christmas together. They have TDS. I set up the village and my wife did the tree after I fixed the lights. Gary S.
That is a beautiful tree! I like the train and village in particular! Merry Christmas Gary! BTW, affordable groceries, gas and energy prices can begin TDS healing.
No bug-catcher or zoomie pipes. Traditional and respectable.
I asked the Etsy vendor what scale it was, and could I get 4 zoomies on each side.
It is unfair to bug anybody about business during Christmas.
The Santa Rod Etsy seller lives in Wyoming, Iowa. Not far form our Marion playground. He is less than forthcoming about scale and modification requests, so He can go fly a kite. My interest has waned.