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BROKENEAGLE'S PAINTINGS - update - stolen artwork by AMMO [14th Jan '25]

Dear Ian.

Fantastic... again!

The camo job of the 109 and the scene is very impressive :good: ... I like it so much :eek:ldguy

Love the JG 52 machines and pilots (y)

Thank you everyone, glad you like it.
I have started the next one now - Eric Hartmans G14 from late 1944 Eastern Front.

Thank you for following my posts.


Something new for the scifi followers.......
2 characters from my Spaceport story series (of which I am about to start part 4). I know that some of you enjoy seeing these so here are a few additions.

Basic mine worker/ hard labor.
Always at the rough end of the labor work. Can be found at industrial centers and Deep Core facilities


Trans Corp Centurion
An off-world hard nose who protects the mining interests of Trans Corp at any cost. You will find his kind standing watch at the spaceport, flight hangars and deep core facilities across the solar system.


thanks for following - comments welcome.

Love your imagination Ian!!!!

Fantastic!!!! Your drawings are so unique, they never remind me of other sci-fi subjects I have seen

You've got the touch Buddy!

I sure wish that you could be here in Tulsa this month, Ian you would make a killing at our show.
As you know from my previous posts I created a Graf 109 G6 landscape painting for a ltd edition model Box etc., last year' in the latter half of 2018. Over the last few months I have been working on my version of that painting, significantly different from the model box version with lots of small detail differences, making each an original.
This was my intention so that the model box art stayed special and unique to that commission.
If you go back a few pages you can find the Model companies version if you want to run a compare. :hmmm
So here is the finished version that I am showing for the first time [here on MA], ready now for the Australian Open Model show I am attending in 2 weeks as a vendor.
Hope you like it :hmmm :unsure: :)
After the finished painting I have included an image of my original concept sketch which I completed in about an hour, while the finished painting took about 70 - 80hrs.


Out of all fairness, Ian, I can honestly say that I would buy a kit just to have your art.
Stunning Ian.

I need to get off my butt and get the framing measured & ordered so I can get your art hanging on my wall...I keep meaning too, then other things always end up distracting me. :bang head