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BROKENEAGLE'S PAINTINGS - update - stolen artwork by AMMO [14th Jan '25]

Looking forward to all your work .

Sort of reminiscent of waiting on my favorite cartoon books when I was a child. Always a long two weeks but well worth it .
Cheers, Christian B)
Thanks Everyone, glad you are enjoying the updates. I have gone a little further and are currently working on the Radar tower and the small power plant at the mid rear. Another update soon.

Christian, I am glad you get the comic book feel - this is what i am hoping to achieve with this style, with a touch and realism.
Duke - glad that you see it the same. :)


:) G'day MA,
for those of you who have been waiting for a model update.....sorry i needed to finish this first :huh: .
For those of you who are wanting an update on the spaceport landscape paintings, The Boneyard and the SkyYard, they are both now finished and going to print for 2 separate shows next month.
Part 1 looked like this - just a reminder for those who may have missed or forgotten.


Part 2 - The Sky Yard
I changed my mind again on the name for part 2 (Badlands to Sky Yard) as I am not sure part 3 will eventuate at this point and Sky Yard was being kept for that, however, it suited part 2 as well.
Part 2 started here and had then moved to here with my last update -



so now it is finished it looks like this.....


The red oxide sand is not as orange as you are seeing on the PC - I have color corrected it to a lighter tone to be more like the orange in the following pic of the full landscape though again I have no way of knowing how your PC color is calibrated or set so I just hop that this looks OK. The actual prints come out at the correct light and color settings.

and when you join them together it goes pretty MASSIVE like this.....

So all up this one was bout 200 hours - glad to be finished. I don't know how you do those super dioramas like Bob Lettereman's, as the dedication over many years would were me down - this has only been 5 months.


Story - The day is clear as the drifter makes his way past JJ's on his way to the Spaceport, his ticket to off planet adventure and eventually a way back to distant earth as a hired gun.

So I realise that there is no way you can appreciate the detail at this size on the PC, so I have included some close-ups from part 2 so that you can appreciate the work as modelers.
Doing one of these is so much like doing a diorama that I find I follow the same process and completion methods even though it is 2D.

Detail shots
close-up 1 shows the lookout hut for the scrap yard where parts and ships are recycled from the spaceport by a guy named 'JJ'. Two of his workers are cleaning up the lookout as well as JJ's place inside the rock tower.

The main ship were the operation is housed and a guard overlooks the drifter as he cruisers by; there is still trouble to be found even since the end of the war on the outer rim. You can find JJ cutting out a section of the ships intake with JJ painted on his mask at the top.

This cut shows a close-up of one of the mobile power units that are scattered around and a section of the exposed paving that covers the area in front of the old radar dish.

The Radar Dish, delapadated and crumbling, now provides power to the scrap yard via a solar conversion setup.

A close-up of the distant Spaceport where a ship is lifting-off now that the ship streaking across the sky in part 1, has cleared the saftey zone.
I've just spent ten minutes looking at the details, this is really awesome! Congrats on a task well done and thank you SO much for sharing it with us. :notworthy
Wow Ian . A veritable sea of detail . Just amazing :woohoo: You have an incredibly fertile imagination (y)

Cheers, Christian B)