Well-known member
This turned into my summer works project, squeezing build time in when I could over the last 4-5 months. Things started out with the Crocodile kit with a view to a quick build (Yeah right, what was I thinking?
While doing some pre-build research, I stumbled upon the story and pictures of Crocodiles being seconded to support the US VII Corps assault on Brest.
The plan was to be loosely based on the photo below.
That started the wheels turning and the acquisition of this kit (it also includes a light vehicle, aka Jeep) as the project grew.
The back story. Following Operation Cobra and the Normandy breakout, US forces turned west into the Brittany Peninsula with the objective of capturing the fortified ports of St. Malo, St, Nazaire, Lorient and Brest. The US 6th Armoured Division was ordered to make a lightning strike towards Brest in a bid to capture an operational port. Arriving outside Fortress Brest on 07 Aug, Gen Ramcke's defenses forced the US forces to begin a 5 week siege of shelling, air strikes and infantry assaults. On 26 Aug US VII Corps launched an assault on Brest. The brutal fighting forced the US commanders to change tactics, creeping forward to reduce one strongpoint at a time. Rain and fog neutralized Allied air power and artillery units began running out of ammunition. A coordinated assault saw US forces enter Brest on 08 Sep and desperate house-to-house fighting as they advanced towards the inner defenses.
A key position was Fort Montbarey to the west of Brest. Built by Louis XVI between 1777 and 1784 it had walls 30 feet high and 40 feet thick protected by a dry moat 15 feet deep. The capture of this position was one of the objectives of the US 29th Infantry Division (The Blue and Grey). Gen Bradley requested support from the UK 79th Armoured Division (Hobart's Funnies) Crocodiles for the assault. Assigned the task was B Squadron, 141st Regiment Royal Armored Corps (The Buffs). Their 2 x Churchill command tanks, 2 x Churchill 95mm support tanks and 15 x Churchill Crocodiles were moved by US Army transports from the British sector to Brest. Following two days of familiarization training, B/116th Infantry Regiment and The Buffs moved into position to launch their first assault on 14 Sep. After two unsuccessful attempts, the north wall was finally breached on 16 Sep forcing the remaining 60 men of the garrison to surrender. Brest surrendered 18 Sep, but not before it had been rendered useless. By this time, Paris (25 Aug) and Antwerp (04 Sep) had been liberated and Operation Market Garden was underway (17 Sep).
Now a "man with a plan", it was time to build.

While doing some pre-build research, I stumbled upon the story and pictures of Crocodiles being seconded to support the US VII Corps assault on Brest.
The plan was to be loosely based on the photo below.
That started the wheels turning and the acquisition of this kit (it also includes a light vehicle, aka Jeep) as the project grew.
The back story. Following Operation Cobra and the Normandy breakout, US forces turned west into the Brittany Peninsula with the objective of capturing the fortified ports of St. Malo, St, Nazaire, Lorient and Brest. The US 6th Armoured Division was ordered to make a lightning strike towards Brest in a bid to capture an operational port. Arriving outside Fortress Brest on 07 Aug, Gen Ramcke's defenses forced the US forces to begin a 5 week siege of shelling, air strikes and infantry assaults. On 26 Aug US VII Corps launched an assault on Brest. The brutal fighting forced the US commanders to change tactics, creeping forward to reduce one strongpoint at a time. Rain and fog neutralized Allied air power and artillery units began running out of ammunition. A coordinated assault saw US forces enter Brest on 08 Sep and desperate house-to-house fighting as they advanced towards the inner defenses.
A key position was Fort Montbarey to the west of Brest. Built by Louis XVI between 1777 and 1784 it had walls 30 feet high and 40 feet thick protected by a dry moat 15 feet deep. The capture of this position was one of the objectives of the US 29th Infantry Division (The Blue and Grey). Gen Bradley requested support from the UK 79th Armoured Division (Hobart's Funnies) Crocodiles for the assault. Assigned the task was B Squadron, 141st Regiment Royal Armored Corps (The Buffs). Their 2 x Churchill command tanks, 2 x Churchill 95mm support tanks and 15 x Churchill Crocodiles were moved by US Army transports from the British sector to Brest. Following two days of familiarization training, B/116th Infantry Regiment and The Buffs moved into position to launch their first assault on 14 Sep. After two unsuccessful attempts, the north wall was finally breached on 16 Sep forcing the remaining 60 men of the garrison to surrender. Brest surrendered 18 Sep, but not before it had been rendered useless. By this time, Paris (25 Aug) and Antwerp (04 Sep) had been liberated and Operation Market Garden was underway (17 Sep).
Now a "man with a plan", it was time to build.