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Annealing P.E.

Plastik Smurff

Well-known member
I can guess this has been asked many times before but do you have to anneal P.E before you bend it?
I am sure that I read that somewhere. :idonno The Olympia has a ton of it. :bang head

Thank's for the advice in advance. :D

Really depends on the PE. if it's stiff and don't want to work with you then do so.

Remember you want to heat it up and let it air cool, do not dunk it in water, that makes it brittle.
In most cases you don't have to anneal it at all! Brass is very bendy- stainless steel isn't. Nickel's in the middle. I've only annealed brass to roll MG cooling jackets. If you're not careful you can burn up the tiny pr super-thin stuff.