Amusing Hobby has just released an interesting kit. It is the 128mm Flak 40 and its accompanying radar FuMG 39D. It looks to be quite the nice kit but I'll let you know when mine arrives. In the mean time a new company to me has released an after market kit for the Flak 40 which looks quite neat. It is the Sd.Anhanger 220 trailer. There is no price yet but pursuing their catalogue and a lot of really cool stuff jumps out at you.
The Amusing Hobby kit should be available at any model shop. The BoldDivision addition can be obtained from their website https://www.bolddivision.de/ I will do a review when I obtain one.

The Amusing Hobby kit should be available at any model shop. The BoldDivision addition can be obtained from their website https://www.bolddivision.de/ I will do a review when I obtain one.