Well-known member
About three days ago I was making supper for Linda and I. Fish sticks and fried potatoes. I thought I would be real smart and cut some thin slices, chip thin slices, since I am not really that adept with kitchen tools I thought I would use the plastic mandoline that our daughter, Kathryn gave here a couple of years ago. In case you didn't know what one was or is I will explain. It is a mid evil torture device used to slice vegetables. There is a sharp blade that runs diagonally the width of the instrument and a cam just before it that is attached to the bottom side. The cam has four or five settings that corresponds to the thickness of the vegetable cut that you chose and it also has two different set of blades that will give you a more fancy shape of cut. there is a safety device that is incorporated in which you place on top of the offending veggy and with a back and fourth motion you make slices of vegetable matter to the desired thickness that your little heart desires.
Towards the middle of the slicing action of one diabolic potato the shuttle flew out of my hand and I wound up taking a slice in the right thumb from the tip of the thumb on the right side level to the nail bed. This is only on the right side of the thumb. :woohoo: :facepalm It bled fairly freely and since I am on blood thinners for my cardiac health it did not stop for a while. wrapping a string around the base of my thumb stopped the profuse bleeding and I administered some modelers first aid and utilized some foam safe C/A to close the wound and let it set up then I firmly bandaged it and splinted it after removing the tourniquet.
I am pretty much house bound and since Linda was at work a trip to the ER was out. I really don't recommend this type of emergency care if you have access to the Dr. As for me I am surprised that it doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would and after about four bandage changes it is looking pretty good and very well on its way to mending right.
The said instrument of my injury has wound up in the garbage and I will no longer play chef. Just sayin.... :smack
Towards the middle of the slicing action of one diabolic potato the shuttle flew out of my hand and I wound up taking a slice in the right thumb from the tip of the thumb on the right side level to the nail bed. This is only on the right side of the thumb. :woohoo: :facepalm It bled fairly freely and since I am on blood thinners for my cardiac health it did not stop for a while. wrapping a string around the base of my thumb stopped the profuse bleeding and I administered some modelers first aid and utilized some foam safe C/A to close the wound and let it set up then I firmly bandaged it and splinted it after removing the tourniquet.

I am pretty much house bound and since Linda was at work a trip to the ER was out. I really don't recommend this type of emergency care if you have access to the Dr. As for me I am surprised that it doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would and after about four bandage changes it is looking pretty good and very well on its way to mending right.
The said instrument of my injury has wound up in the garbage and I will no longer play chef. Just sayin.... :smack