phantom II
Master at Arms
Guys, especially Ausf, Michael's has them and they commonly offer a 50% off coupon. This is from my Latest Acquisitions post in October of 2016.

Cheers, B)
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Guys, especially Ausf, Michael's has them and they commonly offer a 50% off coupon. This is from my Latest Acquisitions post in October of 2016.
Saul, that's a good deal except for those of us out in the sticks where a trip to Michael's is a 70+ mile round trip, seems counterproductive for a $3 discount.
The knife seems good, well made and sharp, the bright yellow handle will keep it from disappearing on the bench (yeah right) but I wouldn't say it was more comfortable to use. Worth the investment so far.
The easiest way to get one from Lowe's is to purchase it at, they will have it pulled and ready for you to pick up, so you don't have to wander the aisles looking at all the fun stuff. :coolio
Saul, that's a good deal except for those of us out in the sticks where a trip to Michael's is a 70+ mile round trip, seems counterproductive for a $3 discount.
The knife seems good, well made and sharp, the bright yellow handle will keep it from disappearing on the bench (yeah right) but I wouldn't say it was more comfortable to use. Worth the investment so far.
Clicked on the Lowe's link and it said 5 in stock at my local store, Aisle 22, bay 13. OK Aisle 22 is lumber and the bays are letters, not numbers, Oh well, went to the tool section and it was with the other utility knives, aisle 59, bay F. Looking forward to giving it a shot, been going through X-acto and Excel blades like crazy lately. Will need to look further for the Olfa #11 blades, didn't see any at Lowe's
Michaels does carry the Olfa knives . Maybe the carry the blades as well .
Clicked on the Lowe's link and it said 5 in stock at my local store, Aisle 22, bay 13. OK Aisle 22 is lumber and the bays are letters, not numbers, Oh well, went to the tool section and it was with the other utility knives, aisle 59, bay F. Looking forward to giving it a shot, been going through X-acto and Excel blades like crazy lately. Will need to look further for the Olfa #11 blades, didn't see any at Lowe's
Who's saw ? :idonno
Cheers, Christian B)
Who's saw ? :idonno
Cheers, Christian B)
OLFA. It's a 3 blade pack for the AK. They also have a squarish one that comes with the handle for $8 from Japan, but I didn't want to wait so I just grabbed another AK handle.
I keep four on my bench when I sculpt, saves time switching between blades. The top is Lowes available one, you can see the difference.
The brush on the tail is for getting the debris off the sculpture while using the knife. Saves a lot of time not having to put down the knife and reach for a brush, then pick up the knife again, especially with the Zeiss head loupe on.
I haven't tried the JLC, but that blade looks similar to the OLFA one from Japan. I mainly used Zona until I picked up the OLFA. I have the X-acto large ones that take the red handle and the small ones that fit in a #11, but they bend. Zona is nice and thin, rigid and sharp. The, OLFA is the same, just a lot cheaper at 3 for $5.
I cut mostly resin, styrene and epoxy clay.
For metal I use my Proxxon table saw.
Be wary! On eBay, there is a Chinese knock off of the Olfa saw.
Real Deal ($10USD shipped from Japan):
Chinese knock off named Manwah and $3.35 shipped from China):
By the way Ausf, the JLC saw I think is being referred to is the razor saw made by laser cutting:
Those sold by UMM are made by Tiger. I still have stock of the ones from Sign (Roman Sekyrka) which I paid 4 for a $1USD. They are excellent and have a very fine kerf.
Is there an alternative to UMM ?