26 September 2024 Meeting post;
We went to another meeting. I took some more pictures, so there must be more story to tell all y'all.

We had a fair gathering of Model Miscreants last Thursday. D came in a little late (see the 11-year-old?) we were still blabbing, like old friends do, when Nathan Stevens called our meeting to order. Business first this time.
Teresa and I offered our impressions about Hawkcon 2024. Plusses, minuses and funny stories. We had a fine time and will return next year.
Our Club Christmas party is on schedule for 2 January the the Ankeny "Wig and Pen Tavern". I wonder if showing up without my Britney Spears wig will be acceptable.

Teresa will surely have a mechanical writing utensil. I hope it will be ok.
Joe gave us the run-down on his basement finishing project. Joe got a new L-shaped model desk and a cool LED Architect's lamp for his basement model space. Good deal, Joe! I experienced twinges of basement envy. It looks like a really nifty space. Joe and Aimee have done lots of work to their Colo, IA home.
About our next contest: Joe and Aimee have said they are bowing out. I wonder how it will all pan out, with the new venue being in Nevada, quite a long way from the majority of our membership. I am certain The club will miss their dedication and experience. Our awards are still undecided upon as well.

Surgeons plank-owner Curt Young cheerily accepted his Silver Surgeon status. Curt is cheerful about almost everything! He is making an attempt to emulate my Japanese accent. He is enjoying my tutelage, like he does everything else we do. Ross is as his usual affable self. He had some cool Wehrmacht spurs and Y-strap to offer for inspection. We have to head out early, so Teresa can get up at the butt-crack of still-dark-before-sunrise, so we missed Roscoe's interesting history lesson.

Carlton Burger built the 1966 Monogram original issue 1/48 DE Havilland Mosquito B. Mk IV and a Pegasus 1/48 Spitfire Mk.1 It appears the Mossie bored Ol' Webb Groos, but Ray Powers shows interest! Carlton liked the Pegasus Spit and aplauded how well it fit for a less expensive starter-model. He did a nice job! Hey Bob Haag is kit-bashing/resurrecting 1/24 '30's Hot Rods. They are starting to come together! Most of these lil' car models began thier lives as someting else. Hey Bob enjoys the "Blacksmithing" required to make something shiny & fun from lost causes. Some of the fabric material came from his wife's purse. Yes, she knows.

Bill Ellet's Tamiya 1/35 Panzer IV-D and Jagdpanzer IV L-70 Lang are ready for weathering. I don't recall what metal tracks he prefers, but he buys them on Ali-express, in spite of their suspect business reputation. R-Model? Bill likes the vintage Tamiya models because they are fun to put together.

Somebody shook the Luftwaffe tree at Nate Steven's place! The Me-262B-1A/U2 jets are 1/72 Hasegawa kits. I almost expected the trainer to have Japanese insignia. The Nachtjager is really cool! All of the He-111's are Italeri kits. I think the Greek/Med. camo job is the coolest!
I tried to get a cockpit photo and failed. I'll let Nathan fill in the details about his builds here.
Lil' D was determined to spend his hobby $$ on a Revell Ag. 1/285 scale Boeing 737-800 model kit. I don't think I have ever told anyone NOT to buy a model. 1/285 is pretty dinky. He likes to build models, but doesn't paint much. Remember the days before we all got detail oriented? Remember how much fun it was just to glue all the models together, put on the decals and PLAY with them? This is what D likes best.

I brought my victorious (and finished) TOPGUN Maver-egg Super Hornet model to chat about.
I had a water heater box that was an Escort Carrier and big table that was an airfield, truck stop, HO racetrack layout and a battlefield.
Nathan Stevens and I are putting together a low-tech airplane model care package for D. I haven't forgotten the kindnesses of more seasoned model makers. For practice! Yeah, that's-what-it-is! Practice! Sneak in some liquid cement? A few nicer brushes? I have a bunch of Humbrol tinlets. Teach D to thin Humbrol with gasoline? A curse on his Mother's furniture? Nah. That would just be cruel! Still.............
Just as an aside, tlarmodels.com stocks a few bottles of Microscale Liquid decal film, for you vintage model builders. I keep 6mm Tamiya tape and draftsman's ruling pens for precisely applying liquid cement too.
Pictures posted=story told.
Thanks for looking in again!