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2015 Aircraft Production Run Maddog Manufacturing

Duke Maddog

Well-known member
Happy New Year everyone, and it is now about two weeks into the New Year. This will be a small update but I now have some decent progress to show, so without further ado; here is how I started the new year.

I resolved to finish at least eight of the unfinished models from 2013 and 2014. At least six are now extremely close to the finish line.

On my aircraft, I decided to apply some decals. I only had enough time at Hobby Day to get two aircraft done of the three that I had brought to do.

The first one was my F-86, done up as Major Jabara's plane:


Next I did my Australian Aardvark that had been sitting on my workbench since 2013:


Now these two are ready for a final clear/dullcoat and finishing up. I can't wait to get them done.

The day before Hobby Day, I had some time to work on my 1/32 scale Tigershark. Here it is with the final set of Silly Putty Masking on it:


Then I shot the final color on this:


When I got home from Hobby Day on Saturday, I had some time to go in and remove all the masking off this plane. I think it's looking pretty good:


You can see I also fixed the wingtip missile rail......again. Hopefully it stays fixed now; I'm tired of dealing with it.

Now all I have to do is paint the black nose on it and the metallic wrap around the exhausts, then I can clearcoat this and decal it.

I also managed to get a little progress done on some of my armor. Feel free to check it out. You can see the results in the Armored Fury Manufacturing Thread.

That's about it for now. I have a few days coming up where I can get more done so hopefully soon I'll be able to post some finished models. Meanwhile, thanks for looking in, comments are welcome.
Okay, after about two and a half days of marathon building, I finally managed to get a few things done. I wanted to get even more done but sometimes it felt like I was going two steps forward and one step back. That was still moving forward at least; not as much as I wanted, but I still moved forward.

First off, this will be a short update since most of the progress resulted in some completed models. In fact, I completed three aircraft and three armor. Feel free to check them out in their respective Forums.

And now, on to everything I've gotten done.

On my aircraft, I finally finished up my F-86 Sabre and set it on it's wheels. It promptly fell back on it's tail, despite my having added weight to the nose. So, I cut off the nose to add some more weight to it, both in the intake as well as the space above the intake:


After that was done, I replaced the nose and touched it up again and called it done.

Next, I applied the decals to the Gloster Meteor. They look bad because they are the original Frog decals in this kit. I had no others to put on this so I just used them. They actually went on fairly well to my surprise. I didn't have nearly as many issues with them as I thought I would:



Later I recoated this with another clearcoat, installed the landing gear and gear doors and set it aside as finished.

Finally, I pulled out the Aardvark and started on the landing gear for it:


After getting them installed, I did some final touchups and then called it done.

Okay, you've seen the work I did to these, now feel free to check them out here in this Forum.

Thanks for looking in, comments are welcome.