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$19 and OD's Hurricane buddy build

Well, that was rather a long weekend :eek:hmy: Turned out I had some seams that refused to go away and when I went to install the windscreen it appeared designers of the fuselage and windscreen had a different concept of what the mating shape should be, so I spent a long time getting them to fit without doing a lot of collateral damage and looking like I had to make them fit. :gogo With that behind me we finally have some color, now it just needs a clear coat and I can start putting stickers on.

I know that it has been a while Gary but I finally got my Hurricane in my self just this week. The 24 scale MkIIc Trop.
Feel free to jump in anytime Paul, you'll still probably finish ahead of me and Dollar ! :blink
OK here is my Mk IIc in 24 scale.I got this one from a friend that had a boat load of these thing and for what it is I didnt think $50.00 was too high a price. so far its a nice kit< nothing spectacular and the details are a bit lacking but from what I read that its like the 1/1 job sparce.

I think I'll go back and do some better weathering to the pit because it looks to me to be a bit crappy.
The PE is all for the pit assembly with the side panels and some secured storage box that goes on the right side.
Its white now because I hosed it down with some Tamiya super fine white primer from a rattle can, @ $12.00 a can it ought to be perfect for just about anything.

It has two different color schemes so I picked this one because it is different.
Feel free to jump in anytime Paul, you'll still probably finish ahead of me and Dollar ! :blink
I'm currently stalled out at the weathering stage !

C'mon Gaz Man - grab that handle and fix that stall!

Going to have to track down one of those Hurries in 48th with those wicked cannons one day!!!
Great looking bird Gary!!

Sorry to have left you out there twisting on the end of a string. Some home front issues came up and I just had to fold my cards and push back from the table. Things have started sorting themselves out, and the dust is starting to settle.

That being said.... I'll be back very shortly with an update on my Hurricane. It's been in the box too long now and I'm going to try to catch up and make this a Buddy Build again. Just tonight, I stuck the fuselage halves together and glue is drying as I'm keying!!

It's good to be back at the bench! :yipee
Very funny Pup! I do deserve that!

Here's some pictures of the weeks efforts. Just threw the cockpit together. Nothing fancy at all. Kit decal for the IP and some derma-tape for some seatbelts and closed her up. Stuck the wings on and gobbed up the gaps with liquid paper.




Ok so I haven't been on PB for 6 months!!!! WTF is the game now? Feel free to throw out some pointers!
Thanks Gary for not giving up on me! Just a few pictures, a little progress on the seams around the wing joints.


