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Search results

  1. fledermaus

    V2 rocket

    Hi my friends, here is the first model on the recently made hobby room, the V2 rocket from Takom. the first one I did many many years ago was the vacumm form kit from schmith in 1/35, the meillerwagen was mostly scratch built just using a few of the original kit parts. this kit from Takom is...
  2. fledermaus

    new hobby room

    Hi to all, its being a while since my last post, thats because the hobby room was disassembled and moved downstairs to another room of the house. the room is for me and my wife now so we can share time doing what we love to do. it took months to plann, move all the things from the old room and...
  3. fledermaus

    Dragon Stug III B

    HI! here is another one I did many years ago, the model received some details to make it look beter. here the suspension parts ready to install using scraps of photoeched I did the headlights cable clamps, super tiny! the barrel cleaning rod recived some details with pieces of...
  4. fledermaus


    Hi to all! This is a dio I did many years ago, the tiger is the Academy tiger 1 with full interior, Italery opel with Verlinden workshop kit, Verlinden disassembled tiger engine, Des kit resin gantry crane and Fine cast models resin german generator. the quality of the pictures is not the best...
  5. fledermaus

    Italery stug IV resurrection

    Hi to all!!;) This is a model I did back in 2007, it was posted in other forums back then. It was destined for a diorama using the Tamiya famo w/trailer. As you all know it is the old italery stug IV. I wanted to do a disabled tank, it’s going to have some damage on it. I’m using the Edward PE...
  6. fledermaus

    Dora 1/35

    Hi to all, here is my next project, the massive Dora kit. I always wanted one since I saw the add on the pages of finescale modeler, but the price was too high. Then it got even more expensive due to its shipping weight. Finally after 8 years my dream came true, I Got it for $560 including...
  7. fledermaus


    HI there! Here is my next project, after doing the shinyo, I wanted to do another water based model to change from the always armor routine. This model has being waiting its turn and now is the moment. I have some aftermarket sets to go along with the model; it was bought in a bundle that...
  8. fledermaus


    HI to all!! This is a project I’m doing for a friend of mine that is to be used as a pattern to be cast in resin, so when finished I’m not going to paint it as it s not necessary for the casting process. So armed with a few photos from the net I started this adventure….. Here is the photo that...
  9. fledermaus

    Abdin's Build- Trumpeter's Geschutzwagen Tiger

    Hi Friends!! This is my entry for the group build, the trumpeter giant Geschutzwagen Tiger, with some extras. Aluminum barrel from RB, two sets of tracks from Hobby boss, ammo from trumpeter and the voyager grilles set. The mandatory date photo The trumpeter ammo set The excellent RB...
  10. fledermaus

    Abdin's Corner -Helping the survivors finished!

    Hi my Friends, finally found the time to start this project. Here are the kits I’m planning to use if there are no more changes. Some dragon figures and the new Bronco staff car, and A small one it is. Also I replaced the tree or the area for the tree with a water well, it going to be the old...