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Search results

  1. P

    Logistics, The Figures Updated Feb 8th, 2021

    Re: Logistics, The Figures Updated January 27, 2013 Congratulations! A really great job (as always you've used) :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
  2. P

    Venetian diorama W.I.P. 3

    Hello to all, I put some pictures of my WIP "Venetian". The figures are not completely finished, there are still many details and I will have to correct the color of many of them : these will go inside the palace: http:// these, instead go outside: some details that...
  3. P

    Venetian diorama W.I.P.

    Hello everyone, I take this topic to update you on the progress. Lately I have not had much time to devote to modeling, but I made ​​some appear to be inserted into the DUKW. (will insert the picture as soon as possible). What surprised me a lot is that someone in Italy has almost completely...
  4. P

    Large scale Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9 finally finished!

    Beautiful, congratulations! :notworthy:
  5. P

    Salonwagen Sal 4U-37a der DR (Scratch)

    I have no words! Amazing job and great! Congratulations! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
  6. P

    New dio under way

    Beautiful work! Congratulations! :notworthy:
  7. P


    Thank you, very interesting! :thumbsup
  8. P

    CTA entry - gioazz US tanker on sherman

    WoW! beautiful, congratulations! Ciao :thumbsup
  9. P


    WOW! Beautiful, congratulations! :notworthy:
  10. P

    LRDG in North Africa & U.S. Marines in Jungle, WWI

    Very beautiful, congratulations! I especially like those of the LRDG :thumbsup
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    Lamp post

    Also in the package by Andrea Miniatures "Lily of the lamplight" is a beautiful metal lamppost ...
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    Beautiful, congratulations! :thumbsup
  13. P

    Happy Birthday USA

    Greetings from Italy! :drinks
  14. P

    T17E Staghound AA & 1/4 ton 4x4 Utility Truck

    Beautiful, congratulations! :thumbsup
  15. P

    Re: JS 2 - JUST FINISHED (JUNE/ 1st))

    Re: JS 2 - WEATHERING DONE!...(MAY/30) Beautiful! :thumbsup
  16. P

    Humbrol Authentic

    Thank you all, I think I understood what tone it is .... :thumbsup
  17. P

    Thoughts and Prayers to our Italian friends

    I am also happy for Laura. I live about 130 kilometers from the earthquake area, here was of medium intensity, but did no damage. I know how it feels at times like these, I was in Friuli in 1976 when it was an earthquake that caused 1000 casualties ... Unfortunately almost all the Italian...
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    Humbrol Authentic

    Thanks for your answer, :) you know by chance if there is a corresponding color Model Master and Tamiya, Gunze, etc..?......
  19. P

    Humbrol Authentic

    Hello everyone, Someone please tell me if the color khaki Humbrol Authentic HF1 corresponds precisely with 'Humbrol Matt Khaki 26? Thanks :)
  20. P

    The return to the monastery.

    Really beautiful! Congratulations! :notworthy: :thumbsup