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  1. nsmekanik


    Now that is one spiffy Schmidt Luiz :thumbsup :drinks
  2. nsmekanik

    'Bug' * * F I N I S H E D * *

    'Bug' Don't forget the Gasoline Bomb.....err fired heater under the front hood, I found out the hard way that the Transmission input shaft grew by roughly 1/4" from I forget which year to the next which just happened to be the difference between the year of the engine and the car I was trying...
  3. nsmekanik

    Revell H-102:600 Nakajima Ki-49 Donryu

    That turned really nice Warren :good Kinda fun to do one of those older kits once in a while I think just for fun :drinks
  4. nsmekanik

    Went for a walk and.....oh look..... a snowbird

    That would be good if you can do it or maybe next year in the spring as the model show will be back, it alternates between here and Edmonton every other year.
  5. nsmekanik

    Went for a walk and.....oh look..... a snowbird

    It's the Nanton Bomber Command Museum, one of these days I need to get to the Military Museums as the museum of Regiments is now known as :hmmm . I believe they have the SeaFury that was once parked outside HMCS Tecumseh Calgary for many years.
  6. nsmekanik

    Went for a walk and.....oh look..... a snowbird

    Well......you know us Canucks.....specially them Newfie's :coolio beer in one hand cigarette in the other milk crate for a seat and vice grips for a steering wheel......we goin for a RIDE :bgrin :yipee :drinks This will make you laugh. Just love those Newfies. > Newfoundland, Canada...
  7. nsmekanik

    Went for a walk and.....oh look..... a snowbird

    Which is the common name for them Canucks that like to winter in the Merikan south, or, a Canadair CT-114 Tutor :bgrin did I mention there were bits and pieces of a Lancaster hangin about too :good :drinks
  8. nsmekanik

    Squadron Eaglequest 2018

    There is some really nice stuff, thanks for posting :drinks
  9. nsmekanik

    1/35 S-38B (E-Boat)

    Oh nice :thumbsup :drinks
  10. nsmekanik

    Gloster F.9/40 Meteor

    looking good so far :bgrin :popcorn :drinks
  11. nsmekanik

    OMG, I gotta have one of these!!!!!!!!!

    The kit would be nice ya for sure, but what I really want is that glue :woohoo: , I need some of that to do up the canopies on my Eduard 110 kits :bgrin I already ruined one canopy thankfully Eduard sent me another one free of charge :good Unfortunately they have cancelled international...
  12. nsmekanik


    THE STAR OF AFRICA... Really lookin forward to seeing what you can do with this one Luiz :thumbsup :popcorn :drinks
  13. nsmekanik

    1970's Tamiya Kubelwagen kit

    Gotta like those Tamiya kits for quick and easy and still lookin the part :bgrin :drinks
  14. nsmekanik

    1/48 F-23 “in service”?

    What he said and probably cute in an ugly sort of way I think so that would be one for you Bob :good :bgrin :drinks
  15. nsmekanik

    'Wall of Quotes' - (Something very different)

    Well done and definitely something different in a good sort of way :thumbsup :drinks
  16. nsmekanik

    1/32 Hasegawa J2M-3

    That is coming together beautifully Paul :bgrin :thumbsup :drinks
  17. nsmekanik

    Truck Axle Service Vignette

    That is truly some awesome work Dude :thumbsup :notworthy: :bgrin :drinks
  18. nsmekanik

    HPM BV 141

    Uhmmmm yes it is and yes it's a pain :beer which is why it's taking so long......any whoooo a bit more work has been done, more or less Here is my attempt at replicating my fine work on the other side, not bad so far...... But I would suggest to anyone who might build this kit is to align...
  19. nsmekanik

    HPM BV 141

    Say what you will about this kit, the fit is generaly pretty good over all. While the instructions would have the interior fitted between the fuselage halves, it looks to me that fitting it to the bottom would be the better option. :drinks
  20. nsmekanik

    Maddog Manufacturing 2018 Production

    Here's what I'm using IMG_1055 by nsmekanik, on Flickr I have a cheap plug in but that thing just doesn't get hot enough. Add some flux and fine solder and play around a bit, I am no expert but for the most part it's not so hard...1/48 Gazz AA grill IMG_1054 by nsmekanik, on Flickr :bgrin...