Duke Maddog
Well-known member
Wow, stunning work! Man, it's time for me to quit! LOL!

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Thanks for the kind comments fellas, much appreciated.
Well, I decided to forget the headliner for now and concentrate on the seats. I have the cockpit pretty well finished. There are three more individual seats plus the hammock type bush seat in the back to be done. I cobbled together a control column and yoke from various bits of scrap wire...
...A dab of glue to represent the rubber boot over the throwover pivot and a lick of paint, Viola! one control column.
The pilot seat is mounted on a kind of box that contains the flap pump. I cut a bit of cedar shim to size and covered it with scrap aluminum, Then added bits of wire for the flap handle, the flap selector, the hydraulic reservoir cap and the little crank at the front that you turn to move the seat back and forth. (The pilot's seat moves forward and up, down and back. Only.)
I used the kit seat, but sanded off a lot of excess plastic to give it the correct thickness, then painted it MM buffing aluminum plate. The cushions are a tiny slice of styrofoam insulation, painted the appropriate colour, and the belts and buckles are homemade from masking tape and beverage can.
Dry fitted in place...
A fire extinguisher was constructed using the patent pending toothpick-in-a-Black & Decker method with a bit of flattened wire as a handle and a tiny bit of chukw tape as a data plate...
...Then glued in place on the cockpit floor below the pilot seat.
Of course we need an ashtray, back then many pilots smoked like chimneys. There is none in the kit, so I made one from a bit of aluminum wire, painted a nice Coke red, and glued in place on the column.
That's it for now, I shall finish the seats then do the headliner.