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Moon Puppy's 75mm GMC M3 Halftrack

I think I could quit modeling right now and live on the praise you guys are giving me for this little work...Thank you guys so much, I'm humbled.

Can't wait to show off the Radio... :mpup
Moon Pup!

I was in the middle of applying the Griffon set and used the treadplate floor as well. I took a moratorium to get into the mansion for my daughter. I have been watching this and between you and Ken, the halftrack man, I'll hopefully do a better job when I go back to it!

Great job so far!

Even with the Medicine Man doign the voodoo hex dance around my aura lately I was able to get some modeling time in.

Here's the ubbercool radio set from Griffon.

Separate components just like the real thing. I added a little thicker bumpers between the mounting brackets and also a .5mm hex head bolt head on top. Also solder worked as the power cable between the units and going up into the firewall. Small sections of brass pipe cut to simulate connection collars and plugs.


Love the locking clamps. I'll have the antenna lead coming into that box on the back. You can see the bolt heads a little better here.


That ugly seam on the heater vent will be hidden by the dashboard. or battle damage...


Another angle of the radio, can't see it well because the seat is in the way, hang on, I'll fix that...


:woohoo: Working Hinges! For now at least. I used .2mm stainless steal Beading thread that you find at the megahobbystore for the hingepin. It came on a spool like thread. I got .2mm, .8mm and I think it's 1.5mm. This stuff is NICE! and cheap. Used the slow cure thick CA this time so maybe we'll keep the hinges clean and workable for a while.

Thanks for looking and all the kind comments so far!

the quick connect between the powerpack and the radio is just spectacular.


The folding passenger/commander seat is way cool, you need to stow a few things under there that you can flip up to show, like a first aid kit and some gloves or something.

You the man, man!

That I can do! Not sure about the gloves but a First Aid kit will be no problem. I'll wait to I get some paint down to see if it still works.

I couldn't let that connector go without some treatment, It is so prevalent in the photos it had to be here some how. A lot of those pieces are left over from the Wildcat Pushrod cover attempt. :mpup
Too cool, Pupster, too cool! The brass is the brassiest! Where did you find the Kilroy for the bottom of your page? B)
Iron Mike wrote:
Too cool, Pupster, too cool! The brass is the brassiest! Where did you find the Kilroy for the bottom of your page? B)

I was wondering when someone noticed. Click it and you'll find it.
Good thing I am not building a half track.... about the time your passenger seat flipped forward is the time my half track would have taking flying lessons! :angry:

If you don't have anything else for under there you could see about a copy of Life from the appropriate time period.... I would say Playboy but they weren't around then and I don't know what "recreational reading material" they had during that time period. :blush:

Love watching you PE masters at play.... then I go back to my plastic scraps and fumble finger through another part...

Great work.... looking forward to the next installment....

Ah, but Bob, the seat flipped forward because I wanted it to... B) I think I have an idea of a Pinup that may be found inside somewhere... :mpup

Thanks for the kind words.
Decals? no, only the dash board. Yeah I'm wondering how I'm going to paint it also.

Guys, with praise like this I may have to brave the heat and dark try and get some more work done just to bask in the glow. Thank you all!