So Here it is after it's second paint job using a color that was once agian detirmined to be incorrect according to much conflicting internet aquired research information
IMG_9962 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
The subsequent coat of paint created that was......eerrr.....not all that pleasing to observe. So after unintentionaly removing some paint from another project I decided to concentrate on this for a bit.
IMG_0920 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0921 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0923 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0927 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0928 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0931 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0932 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0924 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0925 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
Have since come to the conclusion that Valejo Model Color 893 is most likely close to what 3B might have looked like, or not, but that's what I'm going with :dance
IMG_0934 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0935 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_9962 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
The subsequent coat of paint created that was......eerrr.....not all that pleasing to observe. So after unintentionaly removing some paint from another project I decided to concentrate on this for a bit.
IMG_0920 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0921 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0923 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0927 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0928 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0931 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0932 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0924 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0925 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
Have since come to the conclusion that Valejo Model Color 893 is most likely close to what 3B might have looked like, or not, but that's what I'm going with :dance
IMG_0934 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
IMG_0935 by nsmekanik, on Flickr