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The Duke Completes Five More Armor

Duke Maddog

Well-known member
This brings me up to 680 completed armor models now.

Let me start with a couple artillery pieces for my Italian and Russian Armies.

This first gun is a rather toy-like re-pop from Water 1815 done by Italeri for wargame armies. I got it because th4e figures looked good ion the kit and this is the only way I was going to get a heavy gun in 1/72 scale for my Italian Army. Here it is completed and ready for delivery:



I'll finish the troops up later, but this gun at least is completed.

Next, My Russian Army took delivery of a couple pieces. First was this BS-3 anti-tank gun from ACE. I had lost this model some months back and even questioned whether I had actually started it at all. Then I found it after my extensive Hobby Room Cleanup. Here it is all completed:



The second thing my Russian Army got was this T-90 tank with the welded turret. This model is from Modelcollect and has a metal hull. It went together like a dream. I'm glad to have this in my collection:




Next, my US Marines received this LAV-25. This was a Trumpeter kit that I got from my IPMS club's Distressed Kit Auction. It was "severely started" as we like to say; a pic of the contents of the box can be seen in my Maddog Manufacturing Thread. This was finished completely without instructions as they were missing in the kit when I got it:



I noticed I had a floating wheel back there. That got fixed already.

Finally, my US Army took delivery of my M-65 Atomic Annie. This is the Dragon Black Label kit and I've been working on this for awhile. This has been one of my Holy Grails and now I have it in my collection:





These are five of the seven models I completed this week. The other two can be found in the Ships Forums, so feel free to go check them out as well. Meanwhile, thanks for looking in, comments are welcome.
Thanks guys! You are very kind.

Dave, I agree; I've been eager to finish that Atomic Annie and now I finally have it in my collection. Awesome!
Excellent job on these Mark, glad to see them done, I bet you are to, fix'n to go into the Bunker for a bit, cold & wet Here so I must model, great job on Annie!! :soldier (y) :ro: :dude
Thanks Gerry! Yes, I am glad to see these done; especially the BS-3 and the Atomic Annie. Hopefully I'll be able to get more done soon.
Yeah, it did open a little bit. Now to sort the extra pieces and toss the boxes to make more room.

Now it's time to start up a couple more.
Thanks Kenny! Some of these did take a year. I was just able to get them all across the finish line at the same time.
I know everyone has already commented, but I'm posting pics of Annie again, this time after the window masking is removed. Now, she is truly finished:





Enjoy the new pics!
I know everyone has already seen this, but I had brought Dora in to Hobby Day for repairs (the damage can see seen in the Maddog Manufacturing Thread). Since I also had Annie there at Hobby Day; I took the opportunity to shoot a few pics of the two guns sitting side by side. It's an interesting comparison to say the least.

Keep in mind that both of these models are in the same scale

Here's Dora after her repairs, sitting next to her American cousin Annie:



Quite an interesting study in artillery ain't it?

Mark that is an A-Maz-zing comparison. Annie is impressive 'cause of the atomic capability; but she sure looks puny other wise. Sorta a "what I want to be when I grow up" kind of thing. :Hiay

Glad Dora got her grove back- so to speak, nice repair job.