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State of frustration


Active member
I like this site, there are several people here who I know from another forum that frequent here and others that i would like to get to know. BUT
This format is way confusing, maybe i'm just dumb and can't figure this out. but i can't find a foolproof way of posting pics here.
The help topics are non existant and the the little icons above ^ only there is no clear way to quickly post a pic on a post!
So far my only hope was putting something in a portfolio- that only helps on the first posting, after that I don't know if i'm in control
of what is going on these pages or what!
Another is margins, thats right THE MARGINS! if i continue to type the page doesn't adjust for what is to be read!
So i'm wearing out my 'enter' button and leaving the ends of some of my sentances unknown because they end up lost in cyberspace like this...

Crazy- maybe thats why there are so few people posting here/ This site is full of talent, as all model forums are-
BUT, the format is counterproductive for this sires expansion.

i will still continue to post and try to learn some things here as i go- but i can't share my work.

Sad. Be good. CR

The easiest way for me if to upload all your required pics onto your gallery.
Then use the image code from the gallery copy and paste onto the thread youre making ( I always have two pages open 1 for the thread 1 for the gallery

You can also use the add file section below too ( this will be visable when youre writing a new thread )

choose your pic from your computers Hard drive press open

press insert


Like so and also this,..


As for the margins what internet browser are you using as sometimes that helps or hinders your viewing

I use firefox having launched IE into the bin ages ago
Hi Krypto
I too, found posting pics difficult, but this will help:


It's actually even easier than it sounds.

@Andy...So opening 2 browsers is the best way to do it? That's the way I do it, but was wondering if I was taking the long
way around...

the 3 pics I quickly posted was using the very simple method of the attachments add file section that you will only see when you are writing a thread ( basically below this test box )

Yes I have the 2 windows open so I can quickly copy and paste what I require into my thread

it looks complicated but it isnt when you have the hang of it
Do you have your photo's in an online account like photobucket ? I have mine in my own webspace and to post in a reply I just click on the image icon at the top of the reply box and type or copy and paste the URL into the URL block that opens below the icons and click on insert

As Andy stated margins and the like can be affect by the browser you are using and the resolution you have your screen set to.
ok I got it from photobucket- here is why i have my user name, meet Krypto.

I'm gonna use this thread as a test site for some more stuff- there is something I'm starting a topic for here soon.

And guys I'm using IE8- i like firefox, but get lazy and just use this by default! haha. CR

thanks for helping the ignorant fellas.

You can only be called ignorant until you learn! I used Photobucket but then moved all my images to the Modelers' Alliance Gallery.

@ Andy, the Attach File option is only available to Moderators on up.

Hi Krytosdaddy. If you use photo bucket, the bb code is called IMG CODE. Just copy whats in that block and insert and your all set. Picture will show.


Hi Krypto, I had alot of trouble postin to but got it sorted now,this is what I do.

After takin my pics I download them from the camera to ( my pictures) on my PC.
I go to the (gallery) on this site and click (upload file) and select what album I want to load it to IE; my tanks.
Once a album is selected the brouse button is available, click, the file window of your PC should appear, and then find the pics or file on your PC.
Select the pics then hit open.
The pics will then start loading on coppermine.They then will be in your gallery.
To post them click on the pic and you will see the window change to 1 pic and a film strip with pics look at the BB code near the bottom,right click it (the type in the box) and hit the copy option,then go to your post (editor box) and paste it to the spot you want it.The pic will be visable if you have the preview panel open.

Also I had to change to Firefox to get the page size issue and type box working.
This may be way different to how anyone else does it but it works for me and I'am a computer dummy :bang head .

I hope you don't take offence to this post,just tryin to help. :blush:


You're no computer dummy! I use the method you describe to post my images (on many sites) unless they are large amounts of photos. I won't describe that method as it may get confusing.

Kurt i'm doing exactly the same as you, just one small difference, i usually upload straight from my camera.
Have not used IE for many years, and i had no problems with firefox the text and pics look normal.
I think I'm getting the hang of this, sorry for the confusion but there was something I really wanted to share here (Its now in the sci-fi category under 'kit bash')

I guess it's just a learning curve- thanks for the help. What I did was start another portfolio and I'm pasting the BBcodes directly onto the board. Sometimes it didn't work, that was because at the end on the link the browser placed TWICE! once the second was removed everything worked fine.

I just can't figure what size to make the pics- I'm posting some BIG photos- I'll sort that out as to what size works best. Thanks again guys. CR
I think I'm getting the hang of this, sorry for the confusion but there was something I really wanted to share here (Its now in the sci-fi category under 'kit bash')

I guess it's just a learning curve- thanks for the help. What I did was start another portfolio and I'm pasting the BBcodes directly onto the board. Sometimes it didn't work, that was because at the end on the link the browser placed TWICE! once the second was removed everything worked fine.

I just can't figure what size to make the pics- I'm posting some BIG photos- I'll sort that out as to what size works best. Thanks again guys. CR[/quote]

Not a problem. Every site is different in some way :) For every [img] you should have a close otherwise weird things will happen, especially dependant on browser.