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Removing Archer transfers


Anyone know an easy way to remove Archer Transfers? Tape didnt work for me. Thanks.
guessing this is after rubbing them in to activate the glue? Don't know James. I screwed up on the F86 a while back and could not get them off completely. What about high grit sanding?
Hello James,

I got it done with normal transfers (believe it was Tamiya) with vinegar.
Not the consume-kind, but the cleaning kind (my wife uses it for the windows)

And when you dont care about the paint (goes also off):
Nail polish remover WITHOUT !!! aceton.
This is important because aceton destroys plastics, while this brand only removes all paint.
Nail-artists use that.

Succes, Willem
Are these markings? If so, a light sanding and repaint. If Surface details, remember that it is resin on a decal carrier. I still have Easy Lift Off (ELO) by PollyScale but this takes off paint as well. It is safe for plastic though.

Thanks. Yes I got my numbers for my Tiger yesterday and rushed. Stupid. Would have been okay but I slipped and the numbers are slightly screwed up. If I have to remove paint I'm shelving. Too much on my plate at the moment.
I'll take some pics. Basically the tape slipped and while I thought I had realigned the markings I was off. Its not the fault of the markings, just me trying to fit in some modeling at a bad time. Paint might work, not sure if I will make things worse though.
Looked at the pics in the other thread.

I'd try light sanding and touch up paint like Saul suggested.

You've only taken a light hit.....don't bail out.

Mike B)