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Posting Pics...


Active member
Hi All

Can someone help me out and explain how to post pics. I just don't get it.

Go to your gallery and use the gallery user panel
click new pictures and you can upload them straight from your computer

Now when you want to post them into a thread click the picture on your gellery then scroll down to the section where it says " include image " right click on the text and copy

then go to your thread and paste the copied text link where you want

like so

Remember to make use of Categories to organize your images. There's a 500 file limit on any category and you'd be surprised how quickly it fills up.
Of course, there's always the "bucket"! Nudge nudge, wink, wink, say no more!
Mike, that's a nice profile you have there...be a shame something happened to it, you know, like the image get changed or you forget your password....
Still shakin' it, Boss! :laugh: I just wanted to see if you were paying attention!