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News from the front


Well-known member
Howdy y'all. I bring news of progress on many fronts. First of all, we got a call two weeks ago from my son's neurologist with news about my son's VNS unit. The doctor had just gotten back from a conference on the VNS and found out that they could now increase the amount of milliamps twice in one day instead of waiting two months between adjustments. Friday we went to Children's in New Orleans and was able to bump Ian's VNS up into the therapeutic range. Secondly, we got the go ahead to take him off the one med that was making him sluggish. Last night, for the first time in 7 months, I saw that smile in his eyes. The doctor also did a 1 hour video EEG that day and was able to see the types of seizures Ian was having and was able to make the decision as to what medicine Ian need to be on. It was also Ian's dog Mac's first trip as a service dog. Considering we were gone for 12 hours he did great. Having there also seemed to put everyone at ease and made for a more productive visit.

Next up, house up date. We can see the end in sight. My sister-in-law's boyfriend volunteered to do some work at the house and let us take a break. We're to the point where one more weekend of handyman work and we can start laying floors then move in.

Finally, I've done a complete overhaul to my website. You will still be able to order masks and glue, special shout out to Saul who got a mention on the Gator Glue page, but the site will offer much more. I have a section for how-to and tips and links to to forums, reference sites and retail websites. Since most of my reference sites are ship related, I would appreciate y'all telling me your favorite reference sites and I'll add them to the list.

You can visit the site at Gator's Model Studio

Talk to you later. I've got photos and artwork to share.
Nice to see the site back and (more important) things in the personal Life are coming together in a good way.

Regards and keep the Faith,
Thank you guys. It has been a long haul. I recently read a quote about parents of children with special needs. It said "Parents of children with special needs are always thankful for progress not perfection."
So happy to hear that it's going better for Ian, must feel wonderful to see that smile :)

Thank you guys. This week we had a bit of a set back but it looks like it is going to turn out very well. Tuesday morning around 2:00am Ian started having seizures and we couldn't get them to stop. They were one right after the other and for the first time I saw panic in my wife's eyes. After a trip to the local ER Ian was transferred to Children's Hospital in New Orleans. Once there the neurology team started him of a loading dose of depakote and yesterday he started high dose steroid IV once a day for 4 days. The neurologist explained that this is something they have had success with to break the seizures and reset the electrical pulses. So far everything has worked. He is more cognative and the seizures have been almost non-existent today. They say that we should start to see the effects of the steroids this evening. I'll go Saturday and bring them home if everything goes well.
It's always two steps forward and one step back Kenny. Sending thoughts and prayers to you all.

It's a hard road sometimes, like everthing in our lives. But keep up and you know you can count on us if you need. :zen :zen :zen


Kenny, I am keeping you and yours in my prayers. I cant imagine having to go through what you have been going through with all of this, you have my admiration for all of your dedication.