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Master at Arms
T-72B3M in the Ukraine
This was the tank that caught my interest initially, super tough looking, heaps of updated details like the stand-off armour grates, Relik box turret armour, charge bag armour plus the ever present 'mag wheel' spoke design which I love.


While I was waiting for the T-80U kit to be released I started building-up a T-72B3M, which is the version of the T-72B3 updated in 2019-2022 used in the ukraine. I am going to base the weathering and damage on multiple tanks that I have reference photos of and just have some fun with it.
I have a few after market extras plus a Turned metal barrel and Ariel from Aber
The chassis is the beginning point with movable suspension arms that can get a bit 'fidley in places, especially the braced front and rear ones. I ended -up working out a better method than the instructions suggested.
Meng provide a JIG for positioning the torsion arms, which made it a little easier but I wanted to add weight and sag to the front due to the mine plough and it just being a reconditioned 2016 B3 (which was where they were coming from). I just needed to position the JIG a little more forward to achieve this.
The big difference in construction of this chassis compared to the RFM T-80U is that it is molded in 1 piece and is much easier to construct. I am not sure why RFM has gone with the rear sides and front all being seperately molded. This T-72 Meng kit is much easier and not that different from a T-80.


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Starting on the wheels...........
Images show that some of these tanks can have some really worn down wheels, probably depending on their age and money spent on rehab back into the field.
The captured ones now used by the Ukrainians can have some absolutely ablitorated rubber!


Original condition

worked on with small motor grinding tools (as described previously here]
I then added some modelling paste to the after-market rims [without rubber], to use as the two front wheel rims with virtually no rubber left on them. These have the alternate pattern wheel spokes that can be mixed with newer and older, as seen on this image of a T-90M (below) without the side skirt armour. This T-90M actually has 3 different styles of spoke patterned wheels.


sanded down a little with fine sand paper
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A little more builld progress on this ......... I am enjoying the build on this one with plenty of mods to the side armoured panels.
First up is the chassis, now with the top section added and side panels with ongoing mods. The details on this kit are really nice with 'heaps of details' just waiting to be highlighted with the paint stage.
Current progress on -
* PE engine deck screens and vent covers.
*'Modding' the front guards(damage andseperate the front rubber section).
*'Modding' the side guards (damage and seperate each panel).




I still need to thin that right side guard a little more from underneath. I thought that the rubber section went further back but the photo at the top of this section shows that it should be a lot thinner.
Rear louver covers added and ditching beam.


Some references for the damage these vehicles get to their side panels. This part is really fun just mixing and matching to the actual damage they get in the field - you know me, I hate it when it looks new or pristine (which is why I don't model 'curbside cars').

Screenshot 2024-04-27 171926.jpgside armour detail .jpgside armour detail 2 .jpgwheel mud detail.jpgside armour detail 3 .jpg
Adding some retaining bolts for the missing armoured panels.


The side armour comes as one large section but can easily be carved -up to simulate individual damaged sections. The rubber sections on these can be scratched, dented and gouged.

...and the next bit of 'kit' is the sexy KMT-8 mine clearer.


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I missed the previous updated Ian, sorry, I have a work excuse for that.
These soviet tanks look so mechanical (that sounds stupid) but with all the bolt on stuff and appendages coming off them. They almost look Mech like.
Looking great so far!
These soviet tanks look so mechanical (that sounds stupid) but with all the bolt on stuff and appendages coming off them. They almost look Mech like.
Looking great so far!
Thanks MP and I totally agree with you. I think that is part of the allure for me with this 'new fascination/ obsession'. They really do have a 'mech flavour' about them, with a little insect like stuff as well.
Dang, yall got that right. Now that you mention it, MP, they sure do. Ian, these are some awesome ref pics to work from, all beat ta heck and beyond. Who said you could over-do battle damage to as Russian tank? The progress so far tells me this is gonna be another doozy!
Some turret stuff............... nice textures

I added some voyager brass smoke dischargers so that I could have a few of them looking open and spent. The shape and length is different from the kit ones but the end caps fitted OK.



The red circle on the image below shows where I have added a missing weld seam to the rear canister (barrel cleaning rods)?

I also purchased a very nice ABER barrel that still needs some details added for the thermal cover.

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Dang, yall got that right. Now that you mention it, MP, they sure do. Ian, these are some awesome ref pics to work from, all beat ta heck and beyond. Who said you could over-do battle damage to as Russian tank? The progress so far tells me this is gonna be another doozy!
Thanks Steve, I have a lot of photos of damaged T-72B3M's with the side armour and stand-off slatted armour panels very damaged.......I haven't even got to those yet. :soldier I have to flick back to my WW1 tanks now as I am on the home run with those 2.
Back ASAP.
That is a ton of detail on that turret, woof!
Yeah, they are 'jam-packed' with it. It has been a real eye-opener for me with these modern tanks and how much more detail they have over the WW2 stuff. I have built so much 1940's era for so long that I will be sticking to these modern ones for a change of pace and interest. I have even had a detail hit with the WW1 MKV british tank - its the same, a ton of detail. I could build a few of those as well.
Finally back to some modern Russian armour in the Ukraine...............T-72b3M ime again.
The paint has started so it is all about staging the paint from chassis to wheels & tracks, to armour panels, then decals on the turret and final weathering.
This is where I was back in Feb ...

From here I base coated the tank on Russian green and various other greens to achieve the look of the colors of the tanks used in the Ukraine. The Russians have a number of greens that they use depending on the region and this can appear in a number of colors even on the Relikt armour blocks on the turret. Here is one example of the color variation on the turret armour compared to the tank chassis.
smaller version.jpg

...and another showing some actual Relikt 1 boxes seen on the roof of the turret and all over B1 models.

Model progress...............
The base coat acrylic green was weathered slightly with other base coat greens to simulate some variation underneath the later weathering layers.
The Aluminium was first brush painted with Testors Flat Aluminium (enamel base) then given a mottled second coat with AK Dark Aluminium Acryic marker and thinned on the surface with some AK thinners to give it a worn look.
I sealed this with AK Ultra Flat coat, then gave it a layer of chipping fluid before spraying and additional layer of Russian green over the top. This was then chipped away with water and a tooth pick.
I also did this same effect to the Turret stowage bin and mottled some varying tones of the base green on the turret surface between the armour boxes.





The KMT-8 Mine clearing system got a base coating as well as a start on some weathering with a dried mud mix.

I have stayed away from the barrel at this stage to keep process simpler and easier with a long brrel getting in the way. I will do this part last.
Next Up I will be weathering the tracks and wheels, mounting them and some STAR Decals before continuing the painting process. The top tank on the decal sheet is the one that I will be doing and it refers to this tank having a US flag hanging off the back, so I thought, 'that would look interesting and bring some color at the same time' - bring out the ETA US flags set which is really, very nice with the images being printed worn and torn for dioramas.
Neet-O! What material are the reactive armor appliques made out of, I wunda.
The title to your thread, "Used Russian Armor in Combat" could be fitting! :lol:
Neet-O! What material are the reactive armor appliques made out of, I wunda.
The title to your thread, "Used Russian Armor in Combat" could be fitting! :lol:
Well, I can tell you what it is supposed to have inside the thin sheet metal box...

I CAN state that it should NOT be made with 10mm fiberglass with rubber sheet!

I don't know if there is an English translation but I am stating what I heard.