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Well-known member
OK so I was digging away where I keep my tiny stash of models, and out popped a 1/72 scale Mig-29! I thought "I bought this? I wonder when?" Then it hit me, I got this for a whopping $5 at the little show in Spartanburg SC earlier this year. Well I thought this would be a neat little break from campign schedules, so here it is, an older kit of the Fulcrum from Revell!

Although the Mig-29 is a beloved jet, it's combat record is less than enviable, I think due more to training (or lack thereof) than the plane itself. The early versions wete really lacking in true capabilities as compared to fighters of that time frame, but continued improvements along with the Russian and Indian governments efforts to develop it into a multi-role aircraft for air superiority, ground attack, and even naval use means it will be in service for a long time to come

So...some online research showed that this was not the best kit out there, this is really an early version and per the rivet counters, it is missing alot. I looked it over and it seemd OK to me, though. The shape appears about right. As you can see, the instructions are one sheet, and the kit comprises only about 75 parts total. Actually the only real issue is the lack of any real interior, basically a seat and tub, no decals for the cockpit instruments...not even a part to make up as an instrument face! I have for the moment painted it all black, I am actually thinking that a little 1/72 scale pilot from another kit may fit in there, not sure how I am going in the end though. So here is what I saw upon opening it up:

And here it is after only about 3 hours work. The upper and lower fuselage halves went together very easily and the only issue in all the tails & wing surfaces was due to my gluing, not the kit

The hardest part were the intakes that were just plain out of shape. They had no reference indents or anything to locate them, so they left some big seams for sanding, but the recently acquired felxi-file really helped out alot on this. If you look in at the wheel wells you can see directly into the body, the end result of a $5 kit, I know, but I am enjoying it

As this is an early version, I am going to go with an early camo paint. The Russians are known for some of the prettiest paint schemes to be sure, and I think I am going to go with this

Question - Does the underside on this look like a dull white, or the light pale blue they sometimes painted thier aircraft with?
Early MiG-29 (that would be product 9-12) didn't have the ground attack scheme as they did not carry such weapons, only air superiority with the exception of the Czechoslovakian Air Force which was determined to hide them. Here are links to Begemot Decals' instructions which have the most accurate camouflage scheme and color information:


Regards and have fun,
Hey thanks guys! Sharkie, I base my camo preference on the following Russian/English link:


Which shows that a scant few were delivered in this scheme, though I wonder how long they reamined that way. (if I can find some Czech 1/72 roundels I can go that way, but if not, I feel OK in going the route above. I have enjoyed this guy enough that I will eventually get around to building a properly detailed kit, so I do thank you for the info, you are an encyclopedia as always!

Bob, the intakes have cleaned up really well, when you see them there they are just press fit onto the actual craft. All in all it is shaping up to be a neat little kit!
I also like this plane even if they seem to be "Eagle feed" I have heard they were originaly supposed to have been advanced trainers that later got subverted into air superiority and ground atack - Dont know how true it is though.

Hey thanks guys! Sharkie, I base my camo preference on the following Russian/English link:


Which shows that a scant few were delivered in this scheme, though I wonder how long they reamined that way.

Those were prototypes and VERY early. These aircraft were camouflaged for the same reason as the Czechs, to hide from prying eyes as they were new. Notice how only one side is shown the profile linked?

For this variant, these are the changes needed (refer to photo):

[li]the ejection seat is earlier (don't bother)[/li]
[li]the nose gear doors are different[/li]
[li]the tail fins lack the flare dispensers ahead of them (easy to do)[/li]
[li]there are ventral fins below the vertical fins[/li]


Review photos and compare to model.

I have heard they were originaly supposed to have been advanced trainers that later got subverted into air superiority and ground atack - Dont know how true it is though.

Not true in the least!

Since I read Russian, and I know your heart is set on this scheme, here are a few more images showing other sides for a more complete picture of the scheme:


Closer crop...






You are just too kind! Yes I like this one very-very much, I see from the reference pics that it may need the ventral fins, but I think it is pretty complete otherwise. Also PM'd you regarding the decals. Will gladly pay the postage via PP
I remember building that kit many, many, many years ago. Think I still have it. I
ll be looking forward to your take on it. (y) :popcorn
Down right uncivilized, not one sharkmouth in the batch. :rotf

Bruce only needs to enlarge the rudders on this one...

These two are same aircraft at different times of service.


Bruce, I found a Russian 234-го ГИАЛ (234 GIAP) MiG-29 9-12 from production start with the dark camouflage and the modified nose gear bay door. Best of all, I found decals for it! You do not need to change anything, only add the ventral fins.


Since you're on the East Coast, you should receive the decals by Tuesday. I sent Trumpeter's cockpit decals from their MiG-29A 9-12 kit since I bought a cockpit detail set for the kit so these wouldn't be used. Here are some instructions as they may not be so obvious:


Another snippet has the six stars and blue bort numbers printed by Propagteam from Bilek's MiG-29 (an Italeri mold). Use the photo of 'Blue 21' I previously posted as a guide.

Man thanks so much! it is going to be super tight to get it all int here but I am certainly going to give it my best. I primed the thing today ans sticking forgot to add the fins in the rear...oops! The last pics have it and easy to see for my "Mole-Vision" eyes, so I will go back and add that here when I work the fins. I will post the pics in a bit, but it appears to me to have the earlier landing gear design from productions start as you show in that last pic, 2nd # 3rd down.

Thanks guys, really. there has been some recent stress in my life that I will not go into, just suffice to say that my funds are super-limited at the moment and likely will be for a bit, so when I saw some of that initial stuff about the camo I got a bit defensive, I am sorry if it came out in my posts. This community here is small but fiercely loyal and very helpful! I am Blessed to be in such esteemed company!
just suffice to say that my funds are super-limited at the moment and likely will be for a bit, so when I saw some of that initial stuff about the camo I got a bit defensive, I am sorry if it came out in my posts.

It didn't. I simply pointed out that the scheme you wanted was for a very early one. After looking at your kit photos, I realized it is based on an early production as well, prior to the enlarged rudders but after the switch to the simpler nose gear doors. Your vertical fins already lack the flare dispensers so it means that you only need to add ventral fins for Blue 21 (the batch went to 25).

When money is tight, this hobby is the stress reliever. Glad to help with the decals as I am not using them and I know you will. ;)

Ok so here is where it sits as of today. Please bear in mind that I tee-totally forgot to add the vertical fins, more on that in a bit:

In Primer:

An with some pre-shading lines. PLEASE do not look too hard at this, it is only the 2nd time I ever attempted this, and I had to do a bit of "playing" to get the air pressure down right, the brush close to the model just so, and the finger at just the right spot. If you add to that I was paitning about as straight as a druken politician/sailor, you can undrstand why I only offer one pic of my "lines":

Ok here is a pic of the early nose gear OOB, like I say, it appears to be the early type:

OK now lastly, this kit comes with two "Mystery Pieces." They are both marked as Part #65, yet nowhere in the the one-page instructions is there any mention of this part! Too big to be the fins, and the instructions do not place them as being for that purpose. So OK, what could they be? Well right now, with some layout & a little saw timem they look a heckuva lot like the fins I need!:

So that is all I really had the gumption to do today. All in all it is looking pretty decent just need to clean up the cockpit for when Sharky's kindness arrives in the mail. 'Till then!
OK one last thing - I saw this pic ins Sharky's ref. fotos above, and NOT THIS BUILD but on a future model, I may have to try & incorporate this desert scheme onto one. Only one color I know, but still looks really neat to me


A later version with better detail may use this....ya never know!