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Merry Christmas To All My Friends !!!

Who's that stranger??? :mpup

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Winter Solstice and Seasons Greetings to everyone.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year !!!!!
God Jul och Gott Nytt År !!!!!
zalige kerst en gelukkig nieuwjaar !!!!!
Santa already brought some plastic here :D and a new compressor for the airbrush!!!! :woohoo:
I wish everyone a very merry holiday with family and friends! :drinks
I had to supply my own plastic this year, and I think I did well.

As far as family now... remember the cast iron tub I got from a client after I installed a handicap tub in his bathroom? Well it did find a home- Mom wanted it to put in the back yard. She wants to fill it up with dirt and plant flowers ect in it so its a done deal. I 'installed' it yesterday- lol She now has the most expensive flower pot in the neighborhood. Gotta love Better Homes and Gardens for giving her these crazy ideas!

Merry Christmas

Well that's something completely different! :laugh:

Merry Christmas everybody! :drinks

Merry Christmas to Joey and all my friends over-seas!!!
Here it's like home for me, even that I walk a little in the shadows

God bless you all, and that nobody forget the really meaning of Christmas


And a Wonderfull 2012, full of buildings, kits, paints and tools


Cheers :mpup

I had to supply my own plastic this year, and I think I did well.

As far as family now... remember the cast iron tub I got from a client after I installed a handicap tub in his bathroom? Well it did find a home- Mom wanted it to put in the back yard. She wants to fill it up with dirt and plant flowers ect in it so its a done deal. I 'installed' it yesterday- lol She now has the most expensive flower pot in the neighborhood. Gotta love Better Homes and Gardens for giving her these crazy ideas!

Merry Christmas


I threatened to do this with mine, but I was going to make it a watering trough for the dogs. Cindy vetoed it so that was the end of that story. :nothingtoad
I think it's ^^^ a crazy idea, but Mom has a point- it will make a kick ass planter.

What happened to yours Bob? Hope you put that one inside. Really an easy hookup, but the faucet is expensive as heck!

It's Christmas Eve- Santa i don't want much, and i have been good...PLEASE.. :mpup



Merry Christmas folks!
Figured I'd share the family Christmas photo with you all since you're sorta family ;) Weird to see us sitting here in the middle of NY with no snow-- but here 'tis-- Merry Christmas from the Reeves!!
Chip, gave it away to the ol' fella who brought me firewood one day. YEARS ago, long gone and still kicking myself over it.

Mike, great picture!

I just finished cooking dinner for the family and thought I drop by and wish everyone a very merry Christmass!

I am particularly blessed this year with great kids & and a lady who loves me, in-spite of my many failing.

Santa (secret and otherwise) has been very good to me with a variety of tools, paints and kits...

So, if I go to bed now... will the Fat Man show up and leave some more stuff under the tree?????? :yipee
A very Merry Christmas to all and I hope that 2012 becomes your best year ever (until next year anyway). Have a wonderful day!!!
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy 2012 to all friends of this beautiful site on my part :drinks
A merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone.

Frohe Weihnachten und ein glueckliches neues Jahr an alle.
