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Mad City Modelers 2025 Show instead of KCCON 2025.


Super Moderator
This is the show held in the huge church in Kansas City, Kansas in conjunction with KCAMPS.
The Shocking Pink Surgeons plan to voyage South this coming Saturday to join in the IPMS-style judging.
I don't like to wait the whole day and then some, for the less than friendly KC AMPS club to finish judging, so I will enter NO Armor.
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Mark Karolus has found an interesting picture of how visitors may be received in KC. We must be cautious.
Many "special" coins may be dispensed at this event.
I will look forward to seeing Terry Barrow (Mr. T) at this event.
I had forms for KCCON printed and filled out. Models loaded and ready. Then that Friday night, we went to supper with Tim & Brandi Jo Clark.
Spicy red salsa is not my friend anymore. :cry:
My innards would not allow long-distance highway travel. Sorry!

After a weeks delay, we sallied forth for Madision, Wisconasin!
Once again, the shocking pink surgeons depart for points north and east on Iowa Highway 151. 0631 launch from Marion should allow time for a sumptuous per-show breakfast and arrival in plenty of rime to register and begin Teresa's customary raffle harvest. Weather is windy with variable visibility and haze. I laid or course out to arrive at Jimmy's Diner in Dodgeville, WI for the aforementioned breakfast, and we DID!
The Mad City Modelers held their regular club show at the same location as the 2024 IPMS National Convention was held in "Madision". The Monona Terrace Convention Center. I parked in the same spot we did for the Nat's without realizing the show was on the lowermost level. we had quite a stroll to reach the Level One "Conference room". Monona Terrace staff were helpful and courteous to modelers and wives alike.
Registration. I always wonder why we stand in line, holding whatever entries we may have, while waiting our turn to register and pay the fee. Will my models wander off, like errant toddlers? I think not. My entries include the Airfix 1/72 Sherman Firely Vc and old-tool DH.88 Comet with TLAR cockpit. Sandland Royal Army Tank and TOPGUN Maverick F/A-18E Toon plane, Anigrand 1/72 McDonnell P-67B Moonbat, TLAR 1/700 1813 US Navy Brig and 1/350 scale US Coast Guard Reliance class WMEC-618, Active.

Raffle. I haven't classified the raffle wins yet. I know several of out prizes are complete and unstarted. My Sweetie has learned much in choosing quality prizes while I goof off with my model friends!
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Contest space and vendor shot. These show how high and lofty the conference room was. The contest flyer said "A gazillion vendors". There were plenty of model kits for sale, but "Gazillion" seems expansive to me!
There were quite a few 1/32 scale airplane models. Lt, Brubaker's Panther was a beaut!
There were 5 ship model builders. Richard Sliwka, Sam Parent, myself and a couple of other guys.
I can't recall the builders name on the Chris Craft, but she was a work of art!! "Sophisticated Lady" was best Naval subject, by far!
Remember Greg Kimsey's Felicia figure? How he lighted and shaded the figure from a source not visible. "Ascension" put me in mind of Greg's technique. See! I learned something! This show seemed short on Figures and Naval models, for a usual Wisconasin event.
There was a separate Eggs & Toons category, and there were more of those fun models than usual too see!
The Clay Lacey Mustang was interesting, but I believe racing aircraft should be glossy.
Some cool kit-bashes and cute MPC 1/24 Wheel Horse. "Where is the mower deck?" many of us wonder.
There were plenty of "Shinies" to admire!
Armor and Mad City judges. See the guy 3rd from the left? That is none other than Steve Hustad.
Many of us use pictures for references for our models. Steve is the kind of model maker that changes pictures into models. He's the kind of a guy that advises "Throw some hours at it, and you can do the same thing. Not a big deal." Steve's "Vanquished Owl" was best of show.
The Mad City Modelers Judging team concurs!
On the surface this Moby Dick diorama was kinda cool. The more you look at it, the more you realize there are a great many flaws to this.
Pequod was not under way when Moby Dick came back to attack her. She was becalmed. The whaleboats weren't undersail. Hearty men propelled them with oars. The sails are a scale foot thick. The rigging is 3 scale feet in diameter. Look at how long and clunky the lances and harpoons are. These are quite cartoonish, really. Nothing in the water is leaving any kind of wake or showing motion.

Whaling ships like Melville's Pequod were typically 115 feet LOA. The largest recorded sperm whale was 90 feet long. This White Whale is a shade bigger than that, so that looks ok. A lot of work went into this sloppy project. I would not have awarded this.
How did I do? In a hotly contested category of 2 1/350 1946 to present ship models CGC Active was awarded a second place.
Lawrence and Active both received invitations to the Midwestern Model Ships and Boats contest in Manitowoc this May. Sam Parent seems a terse and less than affable fellow, so it is less than likely that we will make the 16-hour roundtrip ride to their show.
Teresa won 7 fine raffle prizes! Not her usual haul, but respectable nonetheless.
Mark Karolus has made a generous donation of odd, rare and vintage model kits. He has, as many of us do, realized that his stash exceeds his lifespan. We also both understand that resellers offer a pittance for a lifetime of model collecting to a grieving widow.
Here are a couple of the most interesting kits from Mark!
In the next few days, many of the 1/35 and 1/48 kits will appear on tlarmodels.com

The remainder may well find their way into the Surgicon 29 raffle.
We saw an interesting truckload of giant white peckers coming home. They even had "protection"!

Thanks for looking in!!
Point of Order.
Sam Parent entered his beautiful wooden canoe model in the National Convention and was awarded. IPMS rules state that having been awarded at the National level, model may not be awarded in a lesser contest. It was awarded last Saturday in the Miscellaneous category.
I almost forgot!
Meet Brian Liddle.
He does aviation art. He's a talented and interesting guy! He working on a Flying Fortress drawing when I met him at his booth at the show.
Do YOU lack the ability to continue life without an American-made picture of your favorite airplane of your very own, in your house or hobby shop space?
You KNOW you do!
Drop Brian an email, text or phone call! Have him womp up YOUR favorite airplane, right here in America!
Chatting with Brian put me in mind of my old friend Chuck Sterns, so I offered to feature Brian in my contest overview.