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Keeping on top of the housework


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I know i always moan about aftermarket but still buy the bloody rubbish :)

This is the instrument panel from HGW for a 109 E4 received from hannants today, i suppose 2 of the dials could be used.......Grrr

View attachment 173816
After acquiring quite a number of HGW seatbelts, I have discovered that they are way oversized. The PE especially is closer to 1/24th scale than the 1/32 it should be. I won't be buying any more seatbelts from them. The Eduard and Quinta Studios seatbelts seem much closer to correct in sizing.
If you can find a sheet of PE buckles then make your own seat belts.?
I am totally disillusioned at the rubbish these firms turn out labelled improvements. I am just gearing up to build the Hobby 2000 BF-109 E4 and looking in the box i see the instrument panel is ok but there is no decals for it. Having been caught out with the non adhesive kits world 3D decals that were also the wrong colour for the 190 i built, the completely useless HGW set above and the shipping charge for a pe set which is more than the pe itself......i will be digging out my individual airscale 1/32 sheet of decals :)

In fairness and on reflection, what i am moaning about is having to do my own instrument panel which basically is part of building a model anyway :)....its a bit like moaning about having to glue the parts together because its come unassembled :)
Funny you show us your dusty bird, cause I just found one in my bunker the other day. Are you sure you don't live close by? I do live on a dirt road, btw:facepalm:

Aaaah, I gave up on trying to keep the bunker clean except in between builds, then I vac and clear everything out and start with a clean bench.