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IPMS Atlanta Show

I also noted no bowling shirts. :smack

Glad you passed up on the Visible Cow...insert random cow joke now...
No 'Pup, that was from the heart! Mike & Chris truly missed your presence. I'd have been tickled to meet with you, but I get it about anniv's, and Women-People. Modelling is NOT life. Life happens all the time! Modelling happens when you want it to. Or when a Man can.
I see this in Iowa, sometimes.
https://www.google.com/search?q=far+side+cows+car&biw=1128&bih=614&tbm=isch&imgil=jVstEkYKt8hQiM%253A%253Bb90 :stinker
Consider this;

The Rhino went down to Georgia, He was lookin' for a Model deal.
He was far from home. He was in the Zone. He was lookin' to make a steal.
When he came upon this Raffle, 27 tickets for 20 bucks,
He said to the ticket vendor "Yes Suh! Let me try my luck!"

Mike & Chris were also there, and bought raffle tickets too.
When the dust had settled, all the local Men were blue.
They hung their heads, tore their tickets to shreds.
Then asked "Bwah, just WHO is you?"

Rhino sez "We're the Plastic Surgeons, and Alliance Modelers as well.
With all these dandy prizes, there just might be some to sell.
You might have a chance to win some back. Just come on up to our Show.
The name is Surgicon 21, I'm Club President, you know."

We gave some kits to Juniors, their interest, most sincere.
Thirsty work this raffle-ness, Mike's ready for a Beer.
I saved a Tamiya Leopard for Joe, for all his Armor pluck.
This just went like it always do, Let's go rent ourselves a Truck!

Fond Atlanta memories from March, 2015.
Consider this;

The Rhino went down to Georgia, He was lookin' for a Model deal.
He was far from home. He was in the Zone. He was lookin' to make a steal.
When he came upon this Raffle, 27 tickets for 20 bucks,
He said to the ticket vendor "Yes Suh! Let me try my luck!"
Hell yeah, another lyricist!
Let's see who updates this one! Click on the road trip gif!
Hell yeah, another lyricist!
Let's see who updates this one! Click on the road trip gif!
How about this instead? I don't care for Darius Rucker.

KamiKaze (Wagon Wheel parody)

Mongol ships at Hakata Bay; until the Divine Wind drove them all away..
Heyyyyyyyy Kamikaze.

I launched from Taffy 3 in the morning sun, when I got back, the St. Lo was done.
Heyyyyyyyy Kamikaze.

I left Iwo Jima in a P-47. Searching the skies for the Sons Of Heaven.
Heyyyyyyyy Kamikaze.

I’m near Luzon off the Lexington. Shooting down the gangsters of the rising sun.
Heyyyyyyyy Kamikaze.

I’m stationed on the Laffey and we’re under attack. He’s coming close, fill him full of FlaK!
Heyyyyyyyy Kamikaze.

We’re gonna shoot all your Jap friends down, when you come near USS Yorktown.
Heyyyyyyyy Kamikaze.

Judys and Jills dove on the Bunker Hill, She’s burned real bad, but She’s sailing still.
Heyyyyyyyy Kamikaze.

Our Enterprise Men fly around all night, to guard Raymond’s fleet against Baka bomb fright.
Heyyyyyyyy Kamikaze.

Battleship Yamoto in the South China Sea. The biggest kamikaze there could ever be!
Heyyyyyyyy Kamikaze.

Divine Wind in 1274.
Divine wind for the Mongol hordes. summoned forth by the Son Of Heaven.
Kamikaze in the morning sun.
Kamikaze when the day is done.
Heyyyyyyyy Kamikaze.