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I need an adnim or the site owner to email me

In other words...let the grown ups take care of it?

I did notice the MA link disappeared from PMMS links page.

As one of the Admins here let me answer to what I have been told. Someone received a death threat from an anonymous user who stated they are a member of this website.

My first and only advice to anyone who receives a Death Threat on the internet is to contact their local law enforcement agency as soon as possible and have them investigate it to the fullest extent of their resources. They would receive full cooperation from this website in any of their investigations.

And this should put this issue to bed.
Whoever it was acted as an individual and is not associated nor speaks for this website.

I can't stress this strong enough. Any statements from the Management of this website would be made on this website.

We do not condone this sort of behavior in our name and call on anyone who is engaging in it to stop immediately. If I hear another report of this I will contact the local Law Enforcement in the area in question and initiate the investigation myself.
If they know the identity of the person who issued the threat, why smear the whole site? I certainly haven't had any contact with anyone there in a long time- and wish no one there ill by any means! Yet I've been swept up in some sort of dragnet. I'm rather puzzled by it all, frankly.