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Horses for Courses


Master at Arms
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone knows of a good SBS on painting horses as I`m trying to extend myself into painting one of these beasts ?

:D A.
Hi, Andy.

I don't have a SBS but I know for sure in one of the older VERLINDENmagazines there is a great artikel on painting horses, done in oilpaints however.{don't know if that is a problem for you}
And I don't know if I still got that certain magazine.

It really helped me in painting Verlindens death horses set way back in the 1990's.

O.K. not much help on my part,....but I am willing to help.{at least}:D

Aside ffrom a book and DVD,


... there are several online video and SBS tutorials if you can accept that they are done with Breyer horse collectors in mind:
Preparing Resin Horses for Painting

Painting Resin Horses

Painting Horses with Pastels SBS

Another Painting Horses with Pastels SBS

5 Part Model Horse Painting Tutorial Video Set

Another Multi Part Model Horse Painting Tutorial Video Set

I hope this helps,