Greetings model builders;
..... I posted this article several years ago, on a other model
site. Everybody took it for a joke. May-haps be, it is
time to take it serious ........ B)
......................................................................................... Safety with glues, paints, and thinners
..... Who, among you, has read the warning labels on each brand of glue, and paint thinner you use ?
The danger we all face using these materials is chemical toxicity ------- or saturation, medical term for poisoning of the body.
..... Now I do not want to scare you off from building models. As hobbies go, this is one of the safest. But too many model builders
ignore the potential hazards of materials they use to make every model. Most of these substances demand more respect than they receive.
Terms......... What makes a substance toxic ? Obviously, its composition is the prime factor. But the degree and duration of the exposure
to the material works into the equation, too.
CARCINOGEN: no doubt, you've heard this one on the news. It is a substance that causes cancer. There are no dosage levels for carcinogens.
A single molecule may cause cancer, especially if it is a strong carcinogen. On the other hand, massive exposure may not harm you.
Why... ? It depends on the carcinogen involved, your vulnerability, and a host of other factors. Any carcinogen may cause cancer, but it is
difficult to say who, how, and when. We all know that sunlight is necessary for good health, yet it is a known carcinogen. Too much and you can get skin cancer
SUSPECTED CARCINOGEN: is a material thought to cause cancer.
POSSIBLE CARCINOGEN: describes a material that is believed to be carcinogenic, and has documented evidence to support the claim.
HIGHLY TOXIC: should be used with great care, as they may easily cause death or permanent injury at relatively low dosage levels.
MODERATELY TOXIC: usually do not cause permanent injury or death. Although they may cause irreversible changes to exposed tissues, and could cause severe discomfort.
LOW TOXICITY: materials generally cause readily reversible tissue changes, and some discomfort.
NARCOTIC: describes the effect of a material on the body. These materials are not narcotics or drugs in the usual sense. There effects can include symptoms resembling
deep sleep, and possible depression of vital functions.
ALLERGEN: is a substance which triggers an allergic response.
TERATOGEN: causes birth defects. The teratogenicproperties of many chemicals are not well known. Pregnant women should consult a physician about exposure to any chemical.
SENSITIZER: makes you more sensitive to itself and to other chemicals.
All the information is for "acute" exposure unless other exposure conditions are given. Acute exposure means.......... of short duration........... seconds, minutes,
or hours for skin absorption or inhalation, or a single ingested dose.
........................................................................................... Chemistry of common modeling materials
Tub Cements ..............Toluene, acetone, allyl isothiocyanate (oil of mustard), and trichloroethane, methyl isobutyl ketone, methyl cellosolve acetate, and methyl ethyl ketone.
Liquid solvent cements ...Methyl cellosolve acetate, methyl isobutyl keyton, methyl ethyl keytone, triethanolamine, trichloroethane, and methylene chloride.
Filler Putties ..........Toluene, xylene, acetone, and alcohols, methyl isobutyl keytone, methyl cellosolve acetate, tichloroethane, methylene chloride, and methyl ethyl keytone.
Paint Thinners & Solvents ...Acetone, toluene, xylene, and alcohols, mineral spirits, methyl ethyl keytone, turpentine, methylene chloride.
Paints ..................Toluene, xylene, acetone, and mineral spirits, turpentine, organic amines, and alcohols, chloride, propylene glycol, and butyl acetate, and tributylphosphate,
.........................and octyl alcohol.
Super Glues ............................................................................Cyanoacrylate esters.
Accelerators for Super Glues .................................................Triethanolamine, and other organic amines.
..... At this time I would like to clear the air about cyanoacrylate glues............ better known as super glues. They are not typical of compounds containing the root word "cyan", which
means a cyanide compound. Although these glues and there fumes can be irritating to the eyes, nose, and throat, they do not contain cyanide, nor do they decompose into poisonous cyanide
compounds when they set or are heated. Cyanoacrylates were first developed for surgical applications ---- which explains why they are so good at bonding skin!
...............................................................................................................Chemical toxicology
Acetone .................... Narcotic in high concentrations. Defatting, (degrasing), action can cause skin irritation. Hazard to the eyes from defatting action.
Allyl isothiocyanate ....... Highly toxic, (see other chart on “-cyan-”), Allergen. May cause contact dermatitis.
Acrylics ................... Low toxicity, many acrylics contain properties found in Enamel paints. Sold as a safer enamel paint. See Acetone, Isopropyl alcohol, Methyl alcohol.
Butyl acetate ...............Modern irritant to respiratory system, and mucous membranes. Mild allergen.
Cyanoacrylate esters ........Skin, eye, and respiratory irritant.
Epoxy resion, incompletely cured .... Most cured resions have no toxic effects. However, their curing compounds, (hardeners), frequent contain organic amiens which are HIGHLY toxic,
..................................... and sometimes carcinogenic. Uncured resion is a possible carcinogen.
Ethyl alochol (ethanol) ... “Good ‘ol Hooch” , (drinking alcohol), unless denatured, in which case see methyl alochol. You can also inhale it in sufficient amounts to become intoxicated
............................without your knowledge, or consent. Prolonged use may cause irreversible brain damage, memory loss, ((short term), and long term), prolonged use may also
cause pickeling of the liver. In large quanities it may be fatal, (cause death). Woman that are pregnant should not drink alcohol. Babbies have been born that are alcholics at the time
of birth. Alcohol may also cause birth defects.
Isopropyl alochol ......... Stronger narcotic than methyl alochol. Can cause eye damage by contact. Single lethal dose is 250ml, however, as little as 10ml taken internally has caused serious
illness. Absorbed by skin.
Lacquar thinners .......... See toluene, xylene, methyl ethyl keytone, and trichloromethane.
Methyl alochol (methanol) . Not considered highly toxic, but the damage that it causes is severe. A cumulative poison, ((like arsenic), and lead). Can be absorbed by inhalation, and shin
contact, but is more toxic if inhaled. Possible carcinogen.
Methyl cello solve acetate (MCA) ... Highly toxic if ingested. Moderately toxic for other chronic exposures.
Methyl ethyl keytone (MEK) ………………………………........ Moderately toxic by oral routes, low toxicity by dermal, (skin), routes. Teratogen. Strong irritant.
Methyl isobutyl keytone ... Highly toxic, (narcotic), if ingested or inhaled. Eye and respiratory irritant.
Methylene chloride ........ Extremely narcotic. Skin penetrant. Causes severe damage to the eyes on contact. Carcinogen.
Mineral spritits .......... Moderately toxic. Also an irritant.
Octyl alcohol ............. Moderately toxic when asorbed through the shin, or ingested.
Organic amines ............ Some are highly toxic, many are skin irritants, some are sensitizers. Some are carcinogens.
PVC cement ................ See teterahydrofuran.
PVC cleaner ............... See tichloroethane, and teterahydrofuran.
Tichloroethane (1-1-1) .... Narcotic in large concentrations. Moderately toxic. May cause liver, and kidney damage. A suspected carcingen.
Styrene ................... Vapors, (from heating), irritating to eyes and respiratory system, and midley narcotic. Fumes from melting and
........................... burning are an possible carcinogen.
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) ..... Extremely toxic. Causes kidney, and liver damage. Irritating to the eyes, and respiratory system.
Toluene (toluol) .......... Moderately toxic, A suspected carcinogen.
Tributhlphosphate ......... Highly to moderately toxic. Affectects the central nervous system.
Triehhanolamine (TEA) ..... A suspected carcinogen.
Turpentine ................ Hightly toxic, can cause serious irritation of the kidneys if ingested. Strong irritant. Allergen. Possible Carcinogen.
Vinyl acetate ............. Fumes from burning or heating are toxic.
Vinyl butyrate ............ Fumes from burning or heating are toxic.
Vinyl chloride (PVC) ... Vinyl chloride liquid is highly toxic if inhaled or absorbed by the skin, Carcinogen. Polymer (PVC)
........................... is less dangerous unless heated to decompsition. PVC is an allergen.
Water based paint, and thinners .... Thought to be safe. Isopropyl alochol, and other alochols. This is why most water based
.................................... paint can not be thined with tap water. Best results are achived with Isopropyl alochol,
or the manufactures brand of thiner. The same holes true for Acrylic paint, and thinners.
Xylene (XYLOL) ............ Moderately toxic. A suspected carcinogen.
..... By know means are these all of the cemical componds found in modeling produts, but the most common. Also of interest,
..... by the state laws, other than California, if a product contains a small amount of any of the above listed compounds,
they do not have to list them on there warning labels....... Errrrrrrrrr .... :evil:
...........................................................................................................Safety and Preveention
Nitrite rubber gloves........... Can help protect you from hazardous chemicals.
Latex gloves, or surgens gloves. Latex gloves are not satisfactory when handeling chemicals, and there componds. Many aboved
................................ listed chemicals can pass through the latex to your skin. Since absorption through the skin
is just as dangerous inhalation, you should protect your hands from solvent chemicals.
..... If you get paint on your skin, do not use paint thinner to remove the paint. Use a cloth rag to remove the majority of the
paint. Wash the affected area with hot soapy water, and a lot of elbow grease. Over a period of time the remaning paint will wear
Ventilation.... Adequate ventilation is not an open window, or a window and a door, or a fan at the other side of the room. As a
................general rule….. If you, or another person can smell the paint or solvent being used……… the area is contaminated.
Also many chemicals, and there compounds are oderless. Do not trust a manufactor because they say that a product is none toxic.
They have been known to give untruthful informational about there products. Also see the paragraph under Xylene conserning state
laws and chemical componds.
Respirators... A two stage respirator is best. Most two stage respirators not only protect you from paint, paint thinners, and
...............solvent, but they also protect you from organic vapors.
Eye protection... Chemical goggles when mixing paint or solvents. Safety glasses when sanding, grinding, using moto-tools, and
..... So now we have adequate ventilation, our chemical prof rubber gloves, eye protection, and our respirator……… We are safe
......WRONG ……. What about your wife, children, and pets that are in the house with you …. ? ....
The best tried and tested system is a paint both. With a good fan to pull the fumes out a length of tub, and despout the vapors
out the window. Or you can us a paint both, and fan sitting in the open window.
Because you have a paint both does not mean you can forget about the gloves, eye protection, respirator, and adequate
ventilation when mixing paint, using glues, and solvents.
Be safe, and have a long and happy time building your models.....
Take Care,
Greetings model builders;
..... I posted this article several years ago, on a other model
site. Everybody took it for a joke. May-haps be, it is
time to take it serious ........ B)
......................................................................................... Safety with glues, paints, and thinners
..... Who, among you, has read the warning labels on each brand of glue, and paint thinner you use ?
The danger we all face using these materials is chemical toxicity ------- or saturation, medical term for poisoning of the body.
..... Now I do not want to scare you off from building models. As hobbies go, this is one of the safest. But too many model builders
ignore the potential hazards of materials they use to make every model. Most of these substances demand more respect than they receive.
Terms......... What makes a substance toxic ? Obviously, its composition is the prime factor. But the degree and duration of the exposure
to the material works into the equation, too.
CARCINOGEN: no doubt, you've heard this one on the news. It is a substance that causes cancer. There are no dosage levels for carcinogens.
A single molecule may cause cancer, especially if it is a strong carcinogen. On the other hand, massive exposure may not harm you.
Why... ? It depends on the carcinogen involved, your vulnerability, and a host of other factors. Any carcinogen may cause cancer, but it is
difficult to say who, how, and when. We all know that sunlight is necessary for good health, yet it is a known carcinogen. Too much and you can get skin cancer
SUSPECTED CARCINOGEN: is a material thought to cause cancer.
POSSIBLE CARCINOGEN: describes a material that is believed to be carcinogenic, and has documented evidence to support the claim.
HIGHLY TOXIC: should be used with great care, as they may easily cause death or permanent injury at relatively low dosage levels.
MODERATELY TOXIC: usually do not cause permanent injury or death. Although they may cause irreversible changes to exposed tissues, and could cause severe discomfort.
LOW TOXICITY: materials generally cause readily reversible tissue changes, and some discomfort.
NARCOTIC: describes the effect of a material on the body. These materials are not narcotics or drugs in the usual sense. There effects can include symptoms resembling
deep sleep, and possible depression of vital functions.
ALLERGEN: is a substance which triggers an allergic response.
TERATOGEN: causes birth defects. The teratogenicproperties of many chemicals are not well known. Pregnant women should consult a physician about exposure to any chemical.
SENSITIZER: makes you more sensitive to itself and to other chemicals.
All the information is for "acute" exposure unless other exposure conditions are given. Acute exposure means.......... of short duration........... seconds, minutes,
or hours for skin absorption or inhalation, or a single ingested dose.
........................................................................................... Chemistry of common modeling materials
Tub Cements ..............Toluene, acetone, allyl isothiocyanate (oil of mustard), and trichloroethane, methyl isobutyl ketone, methyl cellosolve acetate, and methyl ethyl ketone.
Liquid solvent cements ...Methyl cellosolve acetate, methyl isobutyl keyton, methyl ethyl keytone, triethanolamine, trichloroethane, and methylene chloride.
Filler Putties ..........Toluene, xylene, acetone, and alcohols, methyl isobutyl keytone, methyl cellosolve acetate, tichloroethane, methylene chloride, and methyl ethyl keytone.
Paint Thinners & Solvents ...Acetone, toluene, xylene, and alcohols, mineral spirits, methyl ethyl keytone, turpentine, methylene chloride.
Paints ..................Toluene, xylene, acetone, and mineral spirits, turpentine, organic amines, and alcohols, chloride, propylene glycol, and butyl acetate, and tributylphosphate,
.........................and octyl alcohol.
Super Glues ............................................................................Cyanoacrylate esters.
Accelerators for Super Glues .................................................Triethanolamine, and other organic amines.
..... At this time I would like to clear the air about cyanoacrylate glues............ better known as super glues. They are not typical of compounds containing the root word "cyan", which
means a cyanide compound. Although these glues and there fumes can be irritating to the eyes, nose, and throat, they do not contain cyanide, nor do they decompose into poisonous cyanide
compounds when they set or are heated. Cyanoacrylates were first developed for surgical applications ---- which explains why they are so good at bonding skin!
...............................................................................................................Chemical toxicology
Acetone .................... Narcotic in high concentrations. Defatting, (degrasing), action can cause skin irritation. Hazard to the eyes from defatting action.
Allyl isothiocyanate ....... Highly toxic, (see other chart on “-cyan-”), Allergen. May cause contact dermatitis.
Acrylics ................... Low toxicity, many acrylics contain properties found in Enamel paints. Sold as a safer enamel paint. See Acetone, Isopropyl alcohol, Methyl alcohol.
Butyl acetate ...............Modern irritant to respiratory system, and mucous membranes. Mild allergen.
Cyanoacrylate esters ........Skin, eye, and respiratory irritant.
Epoxy resion, incompletely cured .... Most cured resions have no toxic effects. However, their curing compounds, (hardeners), frequent contain organic amiens which are HIGHLY toxic,
..................................... and sometimes carcinogenic. Uncured resion is a possible carcinogen.
Ethyl alochol (ethanol) ... “Good ‘ol Hooch” , (drinking alcohol), unless denatured, in which case see methyl alochol. You can also inhale it in sufficient amounts to become intoxicated
............................without your knowledge, or consent. Prolonged use may cause irreversible brain damage, memory loss, ((short term), and long term), prolonged use may also
cause pickeling of the liver. In large quanities it may be fatal, (cause death). Woman that are pregnant should not drink alcohol. Babbies have been born that are alcholics at the time
of birth. Alcohol may also cause birth defects.
Isopropyl alochol ......... Stronger narcotic than methyl alochol. Can cause eye damage by contact. Single lethal dose is 250ml, however, as little as 10ml taken internally has caused serious
illness. Absorbed by skin.
Lacquar thinners .......... See toluene, xylene, methyl ethyl keytone, and trichloromethane.
Methyl alochol (methanol) . Not considered highly toxic, but the damage that it causes is severe. A cumulative poison, ((like arsenic), and lead). Can be absorbed by inhalation, and shin
contact, but is more toxic if inhaled. Possible carcinogen.
Methyl cello solve acetate (MCA) ... Highly toxic if ingested. Moderately toxic for other chronic exposures.
Methyl ethyl keytone (MEK) ………………………………........ Moderately toxic by oral routes, low toxicity by dermal, (skin), routes. Teratogen. Strong irritant.
Methyl isobutyl keytone ... Highly toxic, (narcotic), if ingested or inhaled. Eye and respiratory irritant.
Methylene chloride ........ Extremely narcotic. Skin penetrant. Causes severe damage to the eyes on contact. Carcinogen.
Mineral spritits .......... Moderately toxic. Also an irritant.
Octyl alcohol ............. Moderately toxic when asorbed through the shin, or ingested.
Organic amines ............ Some are highly toxic, many are skin irritants, some are sensitizers. Some are carcinogens.
PVC cement ................ See teterahydrofuran.
PVC cleaner ............... See tichloroethane, and teterahydrofuran.
Tichloroethane (1-1-1) .... Narcotic in large concentrations. Moderately toxic. May cause liver, and kidney damage. A suspected carcingen.
Styrene ................... Vapors, (from heating), irritating to eyes and respiratory system, and midley narcotic. Fumes from melting and
........................... burning are an possible carcinogen.
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) ..... Extremely toxic. Causes kidney, and liver damage. Irritating to the eyes, and respiratory system.
Toluene (toluol) .......... Moderately toxic, A suspected carcinogen.
Tributhlphosphate ......... Highly to moderately toxic. Affectects the central nervous system.
Triehhanolamine (TEA) ..... A suspected carcinogen.
Turpentine ................ Hightly toxic, can cause serious irritation of the kidneys if ingested. Strong irritant. Allergen. Possible Carcinogen.
Vinyl acetate ............. Fumes from burning or heating are toxic.
Vinyl butyrate ............ Fumes from burning or heating are toxic.
Vinyl chloride (PVC) ... Vinyl chloride liquid is highly toxic if inhaled or absorbed by the skin, Carcinogen. Polymer (PVC)
........................... is less dangerous unless heated to decompsition. PVC is an allergen.
Water based paint, and thinners .... Thought to be safe. Isopropyl alochol, and other alochols. This is why most water based
.................................... paint can not be thined with tap water. Best results are achived with Isopropyl alochol,
or the manufactures brand of thiner. The same holes true for Acrylic paint, and thinners.
Xylene (XYLOL) ............ Moderately toxic. A suspected carcinogen.
..... By know means are these all of the cemical componds found in modeling produts, but the most common. Also of interest,
..... by the state laws, other than California, if a product contains a small amount of any of the above listed compounds,
they do not have to list them on there warning labels....... Errrrrrrrrr .... :evil:
...........................................................................................................Safety and Preveention
Nitrite rubber gloves........... Can help protect you from hazardous chemicals.
Latex gloves, or surgens gloves. Latex gloves are not satisfactory when handeling chemicals, and there componds. Many aboved
................................ listed chemicals can pass through the latex to your skin. Since absorption through the skin
is just as dangerous inhalation, you should protect your hands from solvent chemicals.
..... If you get paint on your skin, do not use paint thinner to remove the paint. Use a cloth rag to remove the majority of the
paint. Wash the affected area with hot soapy water, and a lot of elbow grease. Over a period of time the remaning paint will wear
Ventilation.... Adequate ventilation is not an open window, or a window and a door, or a fan at the other side of the room. As a
................general rule….. If you, or another person can smell the paint or solvent being used……… the area is contaminated.
Also many chemicals, and there compounds are oderless. Do not trust a manufactor because they say that a product is none toxic.
They have been known to give untruthful informational about there products. Also see the paragraph under Xylene conserning state
laws and chemical componds.
Respirators... A two stage respirator is best. Most two stage respirators not only protect you from paint, paint thinners, and
...............solvent, but they also protect you from organic vapors.
Eye protection... Chemical goggles when mixing paint or solvents. Safety glasses when sanding, grinding, using moto-tools, and
..... So now we have adequate ventilation, our chemical prof rubber gloves, eye protection, and our respirator……… We are safe
......WRONG ……. What about your wife, children, and pets that are in the house with you …. ? ....

The best tried and tested system is a paint both. With a good fan to pull the fumes out a length of tub, and despout the vapors
out the window. Or you can us a paint both, and fan sitting in the open window.
Because you have a paint both does not mean you can forget about the gloves, eye protection, respirator, and adequate
ventilation when mixing paint, using glues, and solvents.
Be safe, and have a long and happy time building your models.....

Take Care,