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Happy Independence Day 2024

moon puppy

Staff member
This day in history...well actually it was the July the 2nd. Long story short, It's Independence Day! On July 2nd, the Continental Congress voted in favor of Lee’s resolution for independence in a near-unanimous vote (Damn New Yorkers). The actual Declaration of Independence was adopted by the congress on July 4th.

John Adams predicted July the 2nd would be the celebrated day.
The second day of July 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.

Who would have guessed that both he and Thomas Jefferson, both signers of the document and later President of the nation they created, would both die within hours of each other on July the 4th 1826.

Record heat here at the farm house, I doubt we'll get outside much, I did chores yesterday. I got the AC cranked down in the shed trying to get ahead of the heat.

Hamburgers are on the menu for later today. Maybe find a patriotic movie to watch.

Also Republic Day in the Philippines

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Thunderstorms expected so might not be able to use the grill for the porterhouse steaks, chicken thighs, causages, and 'mandatory' vegetables!
74 degrees, partly cloudy with scattered showers. Winds light and variable from SSW. Ribs on the new Weber with baked potatoes for supper.
The Patriot
ID4 Independence Day
JAWS. 79 tears ago today the "big fat PBY came down and began to pick us up. That was the time I was most frightened. Waitin' for my turn."
Day 5 for the 316 survivors of the USS Indianapolis sinking.

We have a copy of "USS Indianapolis. Men of Courage". Nic Cage's 2016 movie. I cain't recommend it. I endured it once, and that was plenty.
I'm sure Mr. Cage's heart was in the right place when he made this campy film in Alabama. You get to make up your own mind.

This is an excellent account of the USS Indianapolis disaster, told by the Men that were there.

I wish all my Model Brethren the MOST independent of all days!! Better days are not far off. Keep the Faith! Blow something up! Have fun and remember the price of said Independence.