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Gotcha Day


Well-known member
Tomorrow (FEB 11) is my official Gotcha Day.

It was 1 year ago that SWMBO (The ever lovely Carol) rushed me to the ER where I was diagnosed with all kinds of heart problems (I know, my students think I am a heartless so and so).

It is a whole new world this post-heart attack life: Take my meds, eat "right", get appropriate exercise, don't shovel snow (the last is the most difficult). It is worth it. Resting in a hospital bed while a quack of doctors tells you that: Yes, you did have the widow maker, Yes, You did survive, Yes, your life has changed FOR F-ing EVER and then seeing the look on your loved one's faces. It has been years since I saw my daughter cry. I had never seen Carol cry. My son drove up from Virginia and just sat with me. Thomas and I had not just "been" with each other since he was 3 years old. (long story)

So, I had the "unearned luck now to "scape the serpents tongue"

I am indeed fortunate. I have a loving wife, and kids (both mine and "step"), a strong and vibrant church community and friends, like y'all.

Your good wishes and prayers were deeply appreciated.

We all know someone who has had heart problems. It is the #1 killer in the US. I saw the signs and just ignored them. Don't you do that!

I think I'm going upstairs and work on a kit or three.
Congrats and enjoy each day.When it comes down to it,were all just one day at a time,so do what you can to make each one your best,and have no regrets.

Eating right is my biggest problem especially "fresh baked goods"
My change was simply a desire to be healthy... I keep getting notices of people I know and care about dropping for things they could have avoided or kept at bay (heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and COVID-19). Most of them come down to diet and the garbage people pass on as good information.

As anti-intuitive as it is, I am on a hybrid keto/paleo diet and have lost weight, eat what I love (what DOES a shark love?), not worry about calories or fat, just portion control, and as for exercise, my wife laughs as it goes against her training. She watches me like a hawk and tries to tempt me but I have had no sugar, grains (of any type), extremely low carbs, don't trim the fat or remove the skin (my wife gags when I eat them), yet my blood pressure is in control, my A1c seems fine (I am going to the doctor to have them take a complete lab), feel great, and have lost 14 pounds without trying! The exercise? 10 minutes of High Intensity Interval Training.

So, I hope you work on that diet and keep around for those you love. It is my main reason for the change; to stick around, the weight loss is simply a side benefit.

My biggest problem is a type of sleep apnea where I tend to just stop breathing. No blockages, just hold my breath. It wakes me up with a racing heart that I bring down to normal with a few deep breaths. As I have had months where I sleep great all night, I have reviewed what the differences are. The biggest is that when I do at least a mile walk at a relatively fast speed (it takes about 18 minutes), I seem to do much better. During the winter months it is dark and cold out so no walks. Things get worse.

Now I talked to my NP last year and we did a full heart check. Heart is in great shape and I basically have low to normal blood pressure. I have figured out what causes the breathing issue. It is basically habit from being sedentary with work and having to do breathing control for the super fine work. When I do the same at home on hobby or related and don't exercise it kicks over to my sleep and I tend to "hold my breath" in my sleep.
Turns out I have always done this a little bit, but never had a problem until the last couple of months with the cold weather. So I bought an exercise bike and ride it for 20 minutes while watching a show. Never get into any kind of labored breathing and am slowly increasing the resistance as I keep riding it. My sleep is getting better bit by bit as I am "reprogramming" my subconscious. I know this can be done as I did it back in the 90's to keep my legs/knees together while I sleep in order to keep my back from getting out of whack. It is getting better as the deeper I sleep the less trouble I have. When I wake from a dream it is usually to the holding my breath issue. Weird, but it is starting to change as I am sleeping longer and better. Was waking up after 3 hours of sleep originally, now am waking after 5 to 6 hours and am able to go back to sleep more easily. I am going to keep working at it as the alternative is something I don't really want to deal with on an ongoing basis.

As to weight, I hit 200 pounds a couple of years ago and just did not feel all that great. Had a minor health issue where I lost about 22 pounds and felt so much better that I have worked to keep my weight down. Now it fluctuates between 182 and 187 during the week. Mainly I just eat smaller portions and on days where I am home I will only have 1 or 2 light meals which seems to help as well.

For the most part I am in better shape than many I see from my old high school class, and it is no big deal to do some basic exercise as I still don't seem to get out of breath or winded.
Why has no one mentioned Sexercise as a way to keep healthy?

I guess it must be a Latin (or Mediterranean) thing...

Mine is April 13, 2015
Didn't have a heart attack but Dr G (all hail Dr G :notworthynotworthy:notworthy) said he saw damage from hyper tension even though i have never had high blood pressure. Yep the widowmaker was blocked 99%, leading up to it I knew something was wrong and when I told my lovely bride it was game on. She pushed both me and the docs to keep looking till they found the problem.

I've been yoyoing on diet, rather eating. Started on the Noom last year, dropped 30lbs and was feeling good and then plateaued in Aug. Haven't lost a damn thing since. Hoping when it warms up and I get back out working in the yard I'll start dropping again.

I really got to get with getting out and moving around.

Stay with it guys!
Mo with me it was general fatigue and when I exerted my self in any way I would have difficulty breathing. I notice a weird sensation across the top of my chest like when your arm goes to sleep. I think the one event that really scared me was dragging a garden hose across the yard and when I got to the back of my pickup I had to prop up on it to catch my breath.

They tried to do a Cath on me but that doc got so far up with the stint and gave up. I'm kinda glad because I hear all too often that stints just delay the bypass.
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For me it was having my Doc tell me “if u cannot lose weight in 60 days u are going on insulin, and never coming off” (I am type 2 diabetic).
Two days later at MP’s man cave, he told me his woes and that he was going to diet, and I jumped on board. Less 34 pounds later I am in control of my diabetes. If I can lose another 15 I will be considered non- diabetic/at risk. My body has decided that it likes this way and I just cannot seem to lose more than 34 pounds. I’ve been stuck at this weight for several months now, but I am determined to continue. I have seen what unchecked diabetes does to people and I don’t want to be the next one
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For me it was having my Doc tell me “if u cannot lose weight in 60 days u are going on insulin, and never coming off” (I am type 2 diabetic).
Two days later at MP’s man cave, he told me his woes and that he was going to diet, and I jumped on board. Less 34 pounds lay I am in control of my diabetes. If I can lose another 15 I will be considered new n diabetic/at risk. My body has decided that it likes this way and I just cannot seem to lose it. I’ve been stuck at this weight for several months now, but I am determined to continue. I have seen white unchecked diabetes does to people and I don’t want to be the next one
This ^ is why I decided to take on my dietary changes. I am not diabetic but have flirted with pre-diabetes. I have seen how it ravaged my father (blindness, amputations, kidney failure, and the heart attack which killed him). I cut out ALL sugar and grains (I might try ancient grains but I trust no company yet). I was also able to do intermittent fasting (IF) to break my plateau. As a diabetic, IF may not be something you can do as long as others.

Since one fasts when one sleep (hey, that is why the first meal is BreakFast), I simply cut out ALL snacks after Supper, and slowly cut out one meal with my breakfast being later and later. Soon, breakfast was at Noon, meaning I fasted from Supper at 18:00 to 12:00 the next day (18 hours). I pushed the limit to see how far I could go, I reached 36 hours. I am NOT suggesting that. Simply give the body a reason to stop waiting for you to eat (whether sugar or carbs (complex carbs just take a little longer to convert to sugar)), before autophagy takes place. Unfortunately, overweight people have lots of 'things' a body can recycle prior to turning on fat to create energy from ketones.


Ketones from Fatty Acids aka Burning Fat

Anyway, the idea is to feel better and be healthier. Lots of what is out there won't work for diabetics so be careful and listen to your body.

Interesting what you said Saúl. When I was bumping the 200 pound mark and my NP was on me to change some things, I started moving my breakfast later, cut way back on my pasta, and cut the sizes of my portions down. Ended up feeling better and have pretty much kept to 180-185.

Several years ago I flirted with pancreatitis and had nothing to eat for 3 days. My NP sent me to a local hospital for a CT scan and they forced me to check in. I had already planned on fasting for a couple of days, but that whole experience plus the horrifically poor nursing staff there, made me force them to check me out a day early. It was kind of interesting in that the overnight nurse when I checked in was outstanding. The next morning when I was introduced to the day nurse I read "incompetent" immediately. That morning they unhooked the IV and did an MRI then took me back to the room and were supposed to rehook the IV. An hour later the doc came in and said I was basically good, but they were going to keep me a day longer. The IV still wasn't redone. After 3 1/2 hours and numerous reminders I BLEW A GASKET and went all KEN on them. Yeah, I turned all asshole on them. That hospital is well known in the area for incompetency.

Turns out during that short time my system had gone all keto, I had lost weight down to the upper 170's and I felt great. Won't set foot in that hospital again.

Anyway, I also tend to cut back to one or maybe two meals a day on weekends, and don't eat till at least the afternoon. I also have my biggest meal at lunch. In the process my blood work is pretty much all normal now as well.
What are you guys eating? It's hard to cut sugar out completely, I feel like it's hidden at times.
What are you guys eating? It's hard to cut sugar out completely, I feel like it's hidden at times.
Sugar is indeed in MANY things so I can either go carnivore and raw vegetables or take the time to read ingredients completely. Find something good and either take a photo or take it home. Carbs, on the nutrition panel, have to be in the single digits before I even bother to read the ingredients. Since I won't allow preservatives, I buy less so I eat as needed.

If an animal lives well, the meat/eggs/milk is healthy. This means Pasture Raised (not pasteurized) eggs, chicken, grass fed beef, and so on. Raw nuts are best, cheeses (with no preservatives) are excellent, non-starchy vegetables (leafy ones like lettuce/cabbage/etc.), and certain berries.

Last night's (Valentine's Day) supper was zupa de pesce en marinara (fish soup in marinara sauce which is really not soup at all but mussels, shrimp, crab legs, in a broth made with white wine and marinara sauce). I updated it by putting it over Spaghetti Squash (in place of grain pasta) with my own home-made marinara sauce. We were all stuffed. Then again, I am eating less than I ever did.

While my wife and son enjoyed the Tiramisu cake I bought for them, I enjoyed a few squares of my 78% cacao chocolate bar. Funny how something I found bitter a few months ago is now sweet to me!

Some things my wife doesn't get... such as my using a tablespoon of heavy cream in my coffee instead of several ounces of milk. The fat isn't what I am avoiding but the lactose (a sugar) within. Drinking a few ounces provides a lot more lactose than a tablespoon. She shakes her head as she sees me crunching on skin (chicken or pork) crisps and I don't bother trimming the fat off steaks. First, she would comment and sneak around to see if I was snacking on things but the results speak for themselves.

Well... I just saw this thread. The last few days for me have been crazy. I am an active mountain biker, do lots of walking and hiking, do physical work for a living and eat relatively healthy. Last Thursday I went for a bike ride just on the roads as we still have snow on the ground. About half way through my ride started feeling not so great and started having chest pains. Even had some pain and tingling in my left arm. I called my son to come get me and got him to drop me off at the hospital.

I've never seen our sad Canadian medical system set to work so fast in all my life after they did the initial ekg (which they also did right away). I had a doctor in my room within minutes and within 20 minutes they had me in the CT scanner. On the way back to emergency room from the scan the pain suddenly went away and the second ekg was fairly normal.
They kept me in the ICU for two days and did an angiogram which showed a completely healthy heart and the arteries were completely clear. A couple minor blockages in some smaller vessels but they were too small to be of concern. A lot of head scratching going on among the doctor's as to the cause of the initial attack but the more people I talk to about it the more stories I am hearing about similar experiences of people exercising shortly after having either covid or the covid vaccines. I was sick the week before with pretty minor symptoms so didn't get tested as I am not working these days and just stayed home.

Anyway, it was a bit of a scare. I feel completely normal at this point but they have me loaded up with the usual drug cocktails and will have to wait for an appointment with the cardiologist for an assessment to get off the drugs and start exercising again.
Have had something weird go on with me this weekend through this morning. Sunday morning I started having issues with my heart beating fast. At full rest either at work at the bench working on watches or at home on the computer, it was the normal 68 to 72 bpm. Get up and walk around and it would jump up like I had just done cardio. Plus my BP was running way high for me. Went to the ER this morning. They checked me out and all the chemistry was just what it should have been. Also the bpm dropped and stayed at the (for me) usual low rate and the pressure just before I left was back at 120/60. Weird I know but EKG and X-rays were all good as well. I knew my heart was in really good shape as had it all checked out last year. Have always been able to go do moderate exercise and after about 10 minutes even my breathing drops down to a more normal rate.

Looks like I have an ER bill, but no answers. I guess better them to go "Nothing going on, we see nothing wrong" than to end up as Dave or Barney.

Slept this afternoon like a rock. Best sleep I have had since Saturday.
Na Paul, follow up with a cardio and have them do a full workup. Get a stress test! You don't get healthcare at the ER. Go to a doctor.