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Gnat T1 * * F I N I S H E D * *


Well-known member
Started this a couple of weeks ago, just before the Micro Modelling Month campaign was suggested. It's yet another nostalgia trip for yours truly. Y'see back in the 1970's the Red Arrows used RAF Woodvale (very, very close to where I lived) as a sort-of 'Northern' base during the airshow season. Therefore I got to see these guys very frequently.

However, in 1976 the Reds flew their last season with these tiny (and noisy) little machines and that's how I'm building this. Straight from the (new) Airfix box, and using SM (silk-screen) decals. So enough yada, yada, yada, on to the photo's









All very self explanatory. The plastic does need a fair degree of filler, but nothing that makes it 'unbuildable'. Once it was built, I shot a couple of coats of Tamiya flat red as a base, then two thin coats of Tamiya gloss red. The last two photos (sorry for the bad quality - think my camera is having some 'issues'), show it as it sits right now, the red done and sealed underneath three coats of Johnsons Klear/Future.

Next I'll paint the fin, because I don't 'trust' the decal to sit neatly...


Don't think it'll give me too much trouble. I know there aren't too many Brits here at MA, but for all you folks in Nth. America, here's a GENUINE photo of the early 'Reds'...


...yep, things were definitely different in the 1970's !!

Micro Modelling Campaign - Practice Project

Always thought those would be fun little jets to have around the airdrome you know. :pilot
Micro Modelling Campaign - Practice Project

The plane has had an incredible long lifespan

I love them and it was the first model I ever build on my own - Hmmm :hmmm Maybe I should get myself one of these (It will all be your fault)
Micro Modelling Campaign - Practice Project

Oh the Airfix ones are plentifull here I will just get one - will be a lot cheaper that way than the damn postage.

Fair 'nuff. Be careful, matey, they still sell the 1970's era kit alongside this brand new one. Buy the one with this box-art and you'll be fine.


'You know they're doing it in 1:48 very soon, right ??

Micro Modelling Campaign - Practice Project

Everytime I see one of these jets I think of the movie ''Hot Shots''. :laugh:

Micro Modelling Campaign - Practice Project

Painting the fin wasn't too problematical. And the decals dropped on without complaining aswell !!




Not too much left to do on this now.

Kit - Airfix 1:72 (2012 Release)
Paint - Tamiya acrylics.
Decals - SM Silk
Extras - None

HS/Folland Gnat T1
'Red Arrows'
Final Season



Once again the camera simply couldn't cope with the reflection from the (very) shiny paintwork. Must dig-out the instruction manual and find-out what I need to do to overcome the problem. So this is it after just six hours (give-or-take) modelling over four weeks. Not too shabby but not one of my best - that said, I built it because I wanted a 'Red Arrow' in the cabinet, and now I have one.

Thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment.


Another beauty (y) (y) Glossy finishes can be a pita to photograph, I had the same issue when I tried to photograph my B-57 in glossy black
Looks very nice and bright . The red arrows have always been my favorite demo team (y) (y) (y)

Cheers, Christian B)
Very nice Ian!

I too have had trouble with getting pictures of models with high gloss surfaces, my solution is to take the pictures with diffuse lighting...in my case an overcast day works pretty good and they are plentiful here. :)
