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Gibby the Velcro kitty


Well-known member

My little buddy passed suddenly today. He was with us for 8 years. While we have two other cats, he was the most personable. I'll miss you, little buddy.
Sorry to hear you lost your critter kid Paul. It is always hard to lose them. In many ways they are better than the people that are around us.
Sorry to hear you lost your critter kid Paul. It is always hard to lose them. In many ways they are better than the people that are around us.
Particularly. in gratefulness....

@Paulw, my condolences. I always state that I am not a cat person but of course, there is always an exception. I found this kitten literally hours after it opened its eyes (sad story there) so he was raised by my Golden Retriever (other than my wife and I feeding it until weaned off formula). Passed away in 18 months from Feline Leukemia. Till the day he passed, he thought he was a dog and came when called, answered, and was literally my little 'pup' and my wife's kitty.
Condolences. My oldest just turned 17 and is still Daddy's girl. She tolerates some people (the vet isn't on that list) and still puts my other 3 (10, 2.5 and 1.5 yrs) in their place when necessary.

Thanks for all of your condolences, they are very much appreciated. Gibby's passing hit us pretty hard since he was the most snuggly. He jumped up on the chair, turned around and fell to the floor lifelessly. We have all shared the passing of our pets and I really didn't realize how special they are to modelers. They just sit there watching you build weather on the bench, on the floor or on your chest just wanting to be held by you.

Gibson did seem a bit different the day before and I was wondering if he was ill. I am glad he passed with us all around him. It seems fitting.