Here's where the project goes awry. (Me!?!) I bought some 1/48 scale Lewis machine guns for an SE-5A project I have in mind. NONE of the Sando Lando Royal Army tanks mount a machine gun. Given the XXX Corps, Firefly Vc. look of the turret and 17-pound gun, I could not let it be. The model is 1/48-ish scale, sooo.............
In addition, the scale Beelzebub will ride in the turret hatch of 101, even though everyone knows his vehicle was Tank 104.
My paint job differs from the Amine' vehicle as well. There was so much interesting detail to highlight.
Don't despair! The 1/35 scale Sand Land Royal Tank build will be appropriately numbered Tank 104, with Sherman 75mm turret, interior and 3 Sand Land anime' figures

The decals go on easily and snuggle down over even curved surfaces with a light swipe of Solva-Set. I would comment at least once more about what a joy this Bandai kit is to build. The fit is amazing! There is a whip antenna and a pennant to add after some light shading on horizontal surfaces and dullcote. Mr. Lewis will get a dark wash and wooden handles along the way as well.
Thanks again for looking in!