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'68 Dart Super-Stock.

Not going for the Deja Vu campaign, just brought this back off the 'Shelf of Forgetfulness' where it was happily sitting alongside the '98/99 Taurus that I re-started this week.

Tomorrow it's 'Fathers Day' here in NZ, but it felt like it was today because Frau & the 'little darlings' went off to the local pool at 1030 and didn't come back until 1500 AND, there were no chores to be done !! - Spent all that time in the cave and whilst waiting for the paint to dry on the P-38, I put my feet up and painted the chassis, roll bar and some other bits & pieces, also built-up the block, which is now ready for paint.

Not worth a photo just yet and I'll be building it 'slow time' so there wont be too many updates. Still think it's one of Revell's best though, really nice detail & options.

Stay tuned.

Been 'fettling' with this build aswell. The very complex front cross-member was cemented in to place recently and even since these pics were taken, the full (narrowed'n dropped) rear axle & suspension has been added.



The interior is appropriately 'minimalist' as befits a contemporary Super Stock racer:



Sprayed the gearbox the same gunmetal tone as I used for the Cobra this evening also, so the engine will be happening very soon. Don't touch that dial...

Thanks both, but as I've mentioned, this is one of those 'background' projects. Y'know the one you just 'tinker' with whilst you're waiting for paint to dry or something like that.

Next work will be the block, it's already sprayed, all I have to do is sit down fix the manifold & carbs then bring all the pulleys, hoses and wiring together.

Stay tuned.

Standing tall !!




Jeff, a contemporary Super Stocker like this, would it have the passenger seat aswell ??

I like the scheme, Ian and dont get too far until you get the rockers in those heads...
More fiddlin' with the block:




Yep all wired (well as much as I'm going to do on this build. Pre-wired resin 'Dizzie' caps from an outfit called Morgan Automotive Details. I've had them for eons, the company probably doesn't exist anymore.



Checked the stance aswell, looks fine to me, what do you folks think ??

Over a year now and I can see some light at the end of this particular tunnel. Got the 'adapted' decals on yesterday afternoon, there's a little 'fettling' to do as they're designed for an entirely different vehicle (SCCA Camaro), but if you go back to page 1 and look at that Hot Wheels GTO that was the inspiration, then you'll see I'm pretty d*mn close to what I hoped to do.

Anyway enough 'yada, yada, yada' here's a couple of phone photos:



Thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment.
