Well-known member
Started this last year so isn't eligible for our Hot Rod II campaign. I'm using this as a sort-of 'live experiment' for various techniques I want to try-out. First is painting using the 'wet coat' method. As far as I understand this involves laying down a couple of thin base coats of the intended colour, then finishing with a 'heavy' or 'wet' coat. Apparently this improves the final 'shine' and requires less 'buffing & polishing' at the end.
The other technique I'm trying is to drop the sit, by lowering the suspension. Not certain how I'll achieve this, but more on that later. In the meantime here's how it looks with two thin coats of paint, shot yesterday afternoon.

I mixed my own 'Cherry Red' from Humbrol enamels cut with cellulose thinner. Doesn't look to bad in the pics, but there's a couple of dust specks that somehow sneaked onto the paint as it was drying. Going to rub that back this morninig, and add the firewall, headlight 'bullets'. If I have time this afternoon, I'll shoot a wet-coat and see how it looks.
I'd love it if it came-out looking anything like this beauty !!
The other technique I'm trying is to drop the sit, by lowering the suspension. Not certain how I'll achieve this, but more on that later. In the meantime here's how it looks with two thin coats of paint, shot yesterday afternoon.

I mixed my own 'Cherry Red' from Humbrol enamels cut with cellulose thinner. Doesn't look to bad in the pics, but there's a couple of dust specks that somehow sneaked onto the paint as it was drying. Going to rub that back this morninig, and add the firewall, headlight 'bullets'. If I have time this afternoon, I'll shoot a wet-coat and see how it looks.
I'd love it if it came-out looking anything like this beauty !!
