1/35 scale Rheinmetall Mk 20 RH-202 2x20mm Hellenic Army
towed anti aircraft system model by Hecker & Goros
It’s been long time since the mid 1990ies, I had the opportunity as a young officer in Hellenic Army, to receive an invitation to watch the tactical evaluation of NATO AA gunners at NAMFI - NATO Missile Firing Instalations in Suda bay / Crete island. The German Army AA gunners, launched Roland II SAM missiles based on Marder IFVs and the Hellenic Army AA gunners engaged aerial RC targets with the Rheinmetall Mk 20 RH-202 2x20mm cannons. In the following picture, me as a Hellenic Army 2nd Lieutenant, between the German Army Captain / Hauptmann who was in charge with the German Army’s Rolland II SAMs on Marder IFVs AA Battery at that time and the German Army Sergeant Major / Oberstabsfeldwebel who was the technical maintenance master chief. The date is 15 years before today.towed anti aircraft system model by Hecker & Goros

Lucky me, I managed to shot few pictures and keep in mind few things for (future) scale modelling projects too. Since this article is about the Rheinmetall Mk 20 RH-202 2x20mm scale model, have a look on few pictures of that day.
Few years later, during my summer vacations on an Aegean island, I walked around and examined the Rheinmetall Mk 20 RH-202 system details, while visiting a forwarded AA post, based on the island. According to the crew, the AA post was 24/7 operational, the ammo belts were stored next to the system, to provide a 5 minutes readiness, which is enough time for the crew to load the ammo belts and prepare the RH for operation.
As the successor model to the 20mm HS-820 cannon, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany was planning a development, the Rheinmetall offered under its own name RH-202. This AA system should be not only much cheaper than the 20mm HS-820, but also much better: with maximum of fire readiness, extended operational life, resistance against weather, dirt, sand & water and ease operation and field maintenance. The Rheinmetall Zwillingsflak twin gun anti aircraft system, designed to match the mission of the low level air defence units of the German Air Force, to engage low and very low approaching enemy aircraft with all appropriate means in time to prevent them from firing their weapons or delivering their ordnance or at least to prevent them from carrying out an accurate attack on an Air Force installation. The Budget Committee of the Bundestag approved the Zwillingsflak system in December 1969 and serial production began few months later. Volume production in Düsseldorf and in the second manufacturing site at Mauser in Oberndorf began in May 1970. Initial problems in production were solved quickly, and the RH-202 was promoted in the service of the Bundeswehr into a Rheinmetall success story: In 1967 the Federal Ministry of Defence accepted the automatic cannon for the introduction in all branches of service. Through the consistent use of the 20mm RH-202 at Army, Air Force and Navy is thus guaranteed in the Federal Republic of Germany for a limited time, the weapons & ammunition standardization. The first serially manufactured systems reached units of the Bundeswehr on October 12th 1972. Rheinmetall delivered the last of these systems in 1976. It was used by the Argentine Air Force (FAA - Fuerza Aérea Argentina) during the Falklands War, used in the defense of the airfield at Port Stanley Falkland.. Since 1981, it is used by the Portuguese Army (Exército Português) and the Portuguese Air Force (FAP - Força Aérea Portuguesa). The Rheinmetall Mk 20 RH-202 2x20mm AA system is withdrawn from service with the German Armed Forces, but still in active use with the Hellenic Army AA artillery, the HAF - Hellenic Air Force, the Turkish Armed Forces and Indonesian Army air defence as well. A total of 6630 Rheinmetall Mk 20 RH-202 systems were produced.
The Rheinmetall Mk 20 RH-202 20x139mm AA system can be transferred after placed on two-wheeled trailer. It and can be coupled to a light vehicle such as the Mercedes Benz 240GD Geländewagen , or a military truck such as the Mercedes Benz Unimog or the Steyr 680M - all of them are in service in the Hellenic Army & the Hellenic Air Force.
In firing position the installation is supported by three pillars. The gunner is sitting back, handles the system with a joystick and aims the gun on the target using the Italian made Officine Galileo R-56 computerized sight, which has an optical viewfinder with an x5 increase, serial connected with an electronic analog firing computer to calculate lead angles, distances and point of impact for firing against aerial or ground targets, the arm control mechanisms, vertical & traverse, a placard to display information the data etc. Mechanisms of -5.5° to +85° vertical & 360° traverse are operated hydraulically with a maximum speed of rotation of 80 degrees / sec and vertical guidance of 48 degrees / sec. System is completely autonomous, equipt with an on-board two-stroke gasoline Wankel typed air cooled engine (established under the gunner’s seat), providing needed electric power to operate the hydraulic servos, the Officine Galileo R-56 computerized sight, the on-board firing computer and the electronic controls. Although, under emergency situations (or if no electric power) it can also be manually operated using handles, but firing computer data cannot be transferred to the optical sight if system is not electric powered.
It is a precision anti aircraft system with a high rate of fire, ideal to allow high accuracy engagement against aerial targets that cannot be reached with rifles or machine guns. The two 20mm cannons are fully automatic, gas operated with floating mounted base, thus reducing the recoil forces and achieving maximum accuracy, reliability and service life. The gunner is shooting, by pressing the pedal fitted with a fuse with left foot, setting accurate fire into 2000m effective range, until 7000m maximum range. Single barrel or dual automatic shooting can be selected through the control panel, with 2000 rounds / min, per barrel - that means that the Rheinmetall Mk 20 RH-202 AA system, fires with a 4000 rounds / min rate, when both barrels operation is selected by the gunner. The belt feeders are gas-operated and belt transport is independent of cannon and bolt recoil. A number of 280 rounds of 20x139mm ammunition are stored in each side ammo box - total 560 rounds on the system, ready to fire. A flexible hose connecting the ammo box with a gun, is feeding with rounds all time. Using a variety of 20x139mm ammo, including BS with a detachable tray, BZTS, FZS, FZTS and various training with projectile weight 134g (0.3 lb) full caliber or 108g APDS can provide muzzle velocity 1150 m/s (3770 ft/s) - deadly effective against low flying targets.
Two versions of the Rheinmetall Mk 20 RH-202 AA system received by the Hellenic Army under special order to cover the anti aircraft Artillery demands. The main visible difference between these two versions is the iron sight or the telescopic sight (used for pre-aiming) placed over the main Officine Galileo R-56 computerized sight eyescope. These two versions differ (apart from the obvious visible difference as explained before) a few more external details on the electronic control switches. Both versions can also be electronically connected with the S-11 simulator (see following picture), used for AA gunners daily exercise.