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Search results

  1. AndyFettes

    Ukrainian Soldier

    New fun and yes I know Ive not finished other stuff but wanted to crack on with this Heres the Evolution Miniatures 1/35 Russian Soldier which will swop sides for this project. A little bit of andyfication: scissors and armbands Primes with Vallejo grey primer and Tamiya Buff mix which serves...
  2. AndyFettes

    TUTORIAL : Painting 1/35 54mm faces heads etc

    Following a few requests to do this, I am going to be doing a tutorial on painting 1/35 & 54mm faces. Fistly I`ll start with any ideas or questions from the group Secondly I do not profess to be an expert but just someone thats got the hang of it and Id like to share that with you guys
  3. AndyFettes

    DAS WERK DW35007 - 1:35 Panzerkleinzerstörer Rutscher

    Coming up next,...photos to follow
  4. AndyFettes

    Andreas German Para 1940

    While im waiting for some stuff for my other project, Ive decided to do this bloke from Andrea
  5. AndyFettes

    AFV CLUB M5A1 Stuart plus bits

    *** Edit *** Ive changed to the AFV Club version so some of the photos are redundant more pics to follow Hi all just about to start my M5 late version lots of work to do and with the help of aftermarket stuff hopefully will turn out ok AFV club suspension and late type tracks Accurate armour...
  6. AndyFettes

    Elan 13 miniatures "Ned"

    Here`s Ned
  7. AndyFettes

    Amazonian Warrior

    Hi everyone Posting up a recent project completed Black sun miniatures, savage beauty. 1/10th scale. All painted in acrylics skin tones first body and face
  8. AndyFettes

    A new old face

    Hi everyone, thought id pop in and say hello
  9. AndyFettes

    Black Crow : The Swordmaster

  10. AndyFettes

    Black Crows, The Swordmaster, 1/12th bust

    Hello all some of you may remember me some may not as I have not been active for such a long time I just wanted to post up my latest effort 1/12th scale bust entitled The Swordmaster I wanted to go away from the norm not that ive been modeliing much of course but tried out different methods of...
  11. AndyFettes

    M4A3 Sherman 105mm

    Hi all Don’t pass out but yes I am back at the bench and this time it’s a Sherman Please any tips and advice would be extremely helpful Anyway I’m doing a youtubings build along see what you think
  12. AndyFettes

    Knights Templar 1/10 Bust

    Hi all a change in scales this time around Youngs miniatures Knight painted in vallejo paints
  13. AndyFettes

    Alpines Jeep driver

    Hi guys Thought I had better share this where it belongs in the figure section Ok so heres Alpines Jeep driver painted in Vallejo The kits head was a bit on the thin side so I swapped it out for another Alpine nogging from my box of heads which looks a lot better He is a WIP at the moment...
  14. AndyFettes

    Willys Jeep

    Hi all and yes its been a while in fact way way too long Currently doing a jeep and have so far mostly done the driver still lots of tweaking to go as the paintwork looks a bit rough Alpine figure with different Alpine head Hope you like what Ive done so far Painted in Vallejo paints
  15. AndyFettes

    German licence plate postal markings

    Hey all heres my new video Hope you enjoy !!!! https://youtu.be/BrTytv7e0DM
  16. AndyFettes

    Zouave of the Imperial Guard Crimea 1855

    Hi all this is my WIP rendition of this Zouave Only the face is finished so far :bgrin Colours are blocked in with just the tunic given a highlight for a look see,.... the piping is being rather troublesome :S
  17. AndyFettes

    London Scottish Messines Ridge 1914

    Hiya all, Back into the swing of things well almost but im getting there Tommys War 54mm painted in acrylics
  18. AndyFettes

    My new figure German Truck Driver 1/35

    Hi all back after a long lay off,...anyway back at the workbench and making up a new figure that will be the driver to my latest vehicle kit Miniarts L1500S cargo truck,. I wanted the guy to have a carefree pose about him set on a warm May day in France 1944 https://youtu.be/da75ph49GDg You...
  19. AndyFettes

    The Scavenger Completed

    Hi all, here`s a very quick video of my completed figure https://youtu.be/EwMjkbyjoiQ
  20. AndyFettes

    The Scavenger

    Hello all, Been a bit quiet on here recently but have been busy at the workbench and I present my new man Evolution miniatures Stalker ( post apocalyptic ) 1/35 heres the recent review I did https://youtu.be/lSMTcxQIZR8 Painted in Vallejo`s and Andrea Enjoy