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Search results

  1. M

    1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

    Thanks Luiz and Mr. Maddog! Adding the oil leaks and stains has been a slow process but no complaints about it at all, this is great fun to do and I enjoy every second of it. Unlike the Panther Ausf A. I am trying to weather the Bf 109 is easy to do because I am more familiar with them. I will...
  2. M

    1/35 scale Tamiya Panther

    Thank Luiz, Bob, and Mike! Mike, My last serious attempt at armor in this scale was an Italeri Panzer IV in the early 1980's. I wanted this Panther to be historically accurate model but the more I researched the Panther the more I realized I am not capable of making this ancient kit into an...
  3. M

    1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

    Thanks for looking guys! After spraying on some Future to seal in the decals I started weathering the K-4 with oil paints, only the undersurface of the wings and the lower sides of the engine cowl has been done so far. Oil streaks have yet to be added to the rear of the engine cowl, the...
  4. M

    Pro-Modeler 1/48 scale Bf 110G-4 now FINISHED.

    Thank you Gary and Piet! Matrixone
  5. M

    1/35 scale Tamiya Panther

    Thanks for the input guys! No matter what I build in the near future it will have to be O.O.B. since I have no modeling budget at all. The Panther has been sprayed with a light coat of Future and after setting for a couple days I started adding some weathering with oil paints, since I don't...
  6. M

    Bf 109G-2 Trop

    Great job on the engine and those exhaust pipes really look the part. Matrixone
  7. M

    1/72 Regia Aeronautica: Fiat BR.20M COMPLETED

    My 1/72 Regia Aeronautica: Plane 1 (Fiat CR.42) Bob, I have built Italian planes before but a couple of them were for other people and my 21st Century Mc 205 is on hold because I lost the canopy. :facepalm Matrixone
  8. M

    Hasegawa 1/32 P-40N

    Very nice work on this one Paul, the choice in markings is interesting. :thumbsup Matrixone
  9. M

    Pro-Modeler 1/48 scale Bf 110G-4 now FINISHED.

    Many thanks for the replies! :notworthy: Jeeves, If you should build another one of these kits dry fit the radar antenna early on in the construction process, I found out the hard way that the antenna masts are not a very good fit to the fuselage and some carving and sanding were needed...not...
  10. M

    Pro-Modeler 1/48 scale Bf 110G-4 now FINISHED.

    Thanks once again Luiz! Matrixone
  11. M

    Pro-Modeler 1/48 scale Bf 110G-4 now FINISHED.

    Thank you sir! :) Matrixone
  12. M

    Pro-Modeler 1/48 scale Bf 110G-4 now FINISHED.

    Here are some snaps of the finished Bf 110G-4, an old but still good kit. If anybody out there is planning to build this kit dry fit the radar antenna BEFORE the model is painted, I did not and wished I had! ;) The model was built O.O.B. and painted with Model Master enamels, markings came...
  13. M

    1/72 Regia Aeronautica: Fiat BR.20M COMPLETED

    My 1/72 Regia Aeronautica: Plane 1 (Fiat CR.42) Very cool looking camouflage schemes! :thumbsup Matrixone
  14. M

    Bf 109G-2 Trop

    So happy to see another 109 build, I carried the torch as long as possible. :lol: Looking forward to see how this one will turn out. Matrixone
  15. M

    1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

    Thanks! Ian, This aircraft, ''white 10'' was one of JG 27 109's that wore the narrow RVD band...it looks odd to me for that reason but the photographs of the full size machine clearly show the narrow band. Matrixone
  16. M

    I think I'm turning Japanese...

    Dave, I think I stumbled onto a way to effectively produce the finish of an aircraft that's been rotting in a jungle for a few decades. :hmmm Matrixone
  17. M

    1/35 scale Tamiya Panther

    Thanks guys! Mike, Yes the exhaust pipes are on the list of things to be painted, right now I am painting all the road wheels. Boring stuff but it needs to be done. Its the tracks that I am not looking forward to. :sick: Matrixone
  18. M

    1/35 scale Tamiya Panther

    Thanks! Tankbuilder, Its strange that the kit included a full tank commander figure in this kit since there is no interior detail of the interior detail at all. Glad to learn that modern armor kits do the half figure thing. The Panther was gloss coated and markings put on. Tamiya gives no...
  19. M

    1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

    Thanks! The K-4 was gloss coated with Future cut with a little Windex glass cleaner. Future sprays just fine through my airbrush un-thinned but I find I get a much smoother gloss finish when I thin Future with 1/4 glass cleaner and have fewer problems with decals silvering. After the Future...
  20. M

    I think I'm turning Japanese...

    Thanks for all the comments! I am done tinkering with the paint chipping, yes it still looks extreme but after the rest of the model is painted and the markings are on it won't look as bad. Most of my models I keep the weathering subtle and more to scale but this model will be the opposite with...