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Search results

  1. M

    Ki-46 Dinah trainer finished.

    Thanks again Luiz! Matrixone
  2. M

    Ki-46 Dinah trainer finished.

    Thank you Helios! Matrixone
  3. M

    Ki-46 Dinah trainer finished.

    This model was built from the Arii 1/72 scale Dinah trainer kit. The model was put in the markings of one of the many aircraft that was used on November 1st 1945 against the Allied forces when they attempted to storm the beaches of Japan. Anything that could fly (including trainers)were used by...
  4. M

    Messerschmitt Me 262 double build.

    I appreciate your comments! No pictures this time, I just finished the coat of Future on these two models and they have to dry for at least 24 hours before decaling can begin. Applying decals is usually something I can't wait to get started on but with ''yellow 3'' not so much, ''yellow 3'' has...
  5. M

    Messerschmitt Me 262 double build.

    Thanks all for the comments! With these Tamiya kits like their Me 262 series are so well engineered they build up pretty fast. What has taken more time than anything else is searching the web for any new information on the aircraft I am modeling, sometimes it pays off and other times like now...
  6. M

    Messerschmitt Me 262 double build.

    Thank you Gary! Duke, Its unlikely Franz Stigler had anything to do with KG(j)54. Keep in mind that Franz Stigler was the technical officer of JV 44 and his job was to collect aircraft and equipment for the unit which turned out to be a real P.I.T.A. because other Luftwaffe units were ordered...
  7. M

    Messerschmitt Me 262 double build.

    Thanks for looking guys! Tim, What kind of Luftwaffe helicopter are working on? Just kidding of course. ;) Duke, Without digging into my books I feel that the pilot of the ''yellow 3'' I am modeling was not piloted by Franz Stigler. My ''yellow 3'' was flown by KG(j)54 which was a unit formed...
  8. M

    Messerschmitt Me 262 double build.

    Many thanks! Whilst the paint fully dries on the Me 262A-2a I started painting the Me 262A-1a. This Me 262 is being put in the markings of ''yellow 3'' of III./KG(j)54, it had what looks like a really thin coat of a single camouflage color painted on it and some of the filler putty could...
  9. M

    1/72 Regia Aeronautica: Fiat BR.20M COMPLETED

    Great work on a very colorful aircraft. :good Matrixone
  10. M

    Messerschmitt Me 262 double build.

    Thanks for the comments! More airbrushing earlier today, the RLM 81 scribble was painted on the fuselage and engine nacelles. But before any RLM 81 was added I decided to rework the paint on the sides of the engine nacelles, after looking carefully at the photographs of the full size aircraft...
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    Messerschmitt Me 262 double build.

    Thank you very much Dave and Luiz! Painting has begun on these models, I am using Xtracolor enamel paints for the upper surface colors on the Me 262A-2a and since this brand of paint takes longer to dry than my usual Model Master enamels this one will get painted first to allow the paint to...
  12. M

    Roland D.VIa

    Amazing work all around James, that lozenge fabric looks incredibly realistic. Matrixone
  13. M

    F-15A 5th FIS * * D O N E * *

    Terrific work Ian! :thumbsup Even though the small stencil decals were a lot of work to put on and can just barely be seen they give the impression of your F-15 being much larger than a plastic scale model. Matrixone
  14. M

    Large scale Messerschmitt Bf 109K-4 FINISHED

    Thank you all for the kind words! Making some of the pictures of the finished models look like vintage photographs is a good way to compare the model against the real thing, this way its easier to see where it is I need improve the build or weathering on future models. By far the best modeling...
  15. M

    Large scale Messerschmitt Bf 109K-4 FINISHED

    Thanks for the comments! :) The K-4 is 1/32 scale. Matrixone
  16. M

    Messerschmitt Me 262 double build.

    Thanks Tim and Luiz! The fuselage halves have been glued together and wings attached, all the wheels have been painted and the first stage of weathering has been done on them, the rest of the weathering will be done with the airbrush. Even though the two sets of wheels look very much the same...
  17. M

    I think I'm turning Japanese...

    I was having too much fun with the Me 262's and kept neglecting this one, a flat clear coat needs to be sprayed on and the clear parts and wheels added and I can call it done. The final in-progress pictures. Matrixone
  18. M

    Bf 109G-2 Trop

    Bf 109G-2 Trop - Squiggles update Christain, I have again looked at the photograph of the 109 with the dark squiggles and I understand why you think the squiggles were done by brush and not an air gun, the fuselage has very sharp edges to the squiggles but that was likely done with the air gun...
  19. M

    Large scale Messerschmitt Bf 109K-4 FINISHED

    Thanks for the response! A few more images of this model... Matrixone
  20. M

    Bf 109G-2 Trop

    Bf 109G-2 Trop - Squiggles update Ian, Sorry you did not get the paint to spray as you wanted it to, I hope you don't actually use the hairy stick to paint on the scribble. When I spray scribble camouflage patterns I thin the paint much more than usual, drop the P.S.I. down quite a bit and...