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Search results

  1. M

    Hasegawa 1/32 Ki 61 "Tony"

    Great job so far on this one, after having built the old Otaki kit recently the Hasegawa kit is amazing by comparison and I will be watching the progress of this build with interest. :good Matrixone
  2. M

    Otaki 1/48 scale Ki-61 now FINISHED!

    Thanks to all for the kind words! :notworthy: Matrixone
  3. M

    Otaki 1/48 scale Ki-61 now FINISHED!

    More images... Hasegawa makes a 1/32 scale model of this aircraft and when I can I will get one, this is a really interesting aircraft design. Matrixone
  4. M

    Otaki 1/48 scale Ki-61 now FINISHED!

    Thanks Paul! Matrixone
  5. M

    1/35 scale Tamiya Panther

    Today after making some room on my work table I opened up the Panther kit, my impression is this is an old kit and being an old kit its not up to what I expect from Tamiya products of more recent times. The parts are not as finely detailed as I expected and the camo and markings suggestions are...
  6. M

    Otaki 1/48 scale Ki-61 now FINISHED!

    This model has been finished for nearly three weeks and finally was able to get some pictures. ;) The model was built O.O.B. and Aeromaster decals were used. For such an old kit it was not too bad to put together and I like the surface detail even if its overstated...better this way than none...
  7. M

    Sad News about Hippy Ed

    This is shocking and sad news, I hope he did not suffer and also hope his family is coping with their loss. :( Matrixone
  8. M

    1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

    Thank you Dave and Luiz! I have looked at most of the pictures taken yesterday of the four completed models and there are very few of them that I would consider to be good but I had a really short window of time to work in so I did what I could. This next week is supposed to be wet so it was...
  9. M

    1/35 scale Tamiya Panther

    Thanks for the information Piet! I have seen that photograph in my Squadron soft cover book on the Panther, however in the Squadron book 'red 438' was identified as a Ausf. D and not an A...as with books on the Luftwaffe there can be conflicting information in them and for an aircraft modeler...
  10. M

    1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

    Thanks! Today started out like last evening ended...dry but with strong wind gusts, but by mid day the wind died down and I went for it and quickly set up my photobase and started taking pictures of all FOUR finished models (the 110 was finished early today), no telling exactly how well these...
  11. M

    1/35 scale Tamiya Panther

    Thanks for the feedback! This will not be a historically accurate build of a Panther, from what I understand a lot of the Panther ausf. A tanks had the zimmerit coating on them and I won't be adding that to my model. The few books that I have on German armor have photographs in them showing...
  12. M

    1/35 scale Tamiya Panther

    I have had this kit for a very long time and will finally try to build it, the dust on top of the box is getting pretty thick! This will not be a very accurate model but I am not too concerned about that, this will be built as a needed break from my usual wing things. The box will be opened...
  13. M

    1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

    Thanks for looking! Today I attempted to get airfield pictures of the three recently finished models and it was a no-go...I nearly lost the 1/48 Bf 109K-4 when wind gusts started to lift it off my photobase. That would piss me off to have a new model destroyed before I could even get pictures...
  14. M

    1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

    Thank you Mike! Because of the crappy weather the past few weeks I have not had a chance to get pictures of the finished 1/48 scale Bf 109K-4 but that is expected to change in the next few days. I had so much fun with the 1/48 scale K-4 I decided to increase the fun level and build a 1/32...
  15. M

    Bf 110G-4 in-progress

    A series of strong weather fronts moved through here the past few days and it was brutal, no extreme winds but the rain showers were intense and my carport flooded two different times! We get a large amount of rain here in the winter and spring months but its extremely rare to get so much that...
  16. M

    Bf 110G-4 in-progress

    Thanks Swordsman and Ed! No damage to the house from the winds but there was a larger tree branch that landed on the roof that I had to take care of earlier today, also whilst driving around today I could see a number of trees were blown over so this was quite a violent storm that hit and was...
  17. M

    Bf 110G-4 in-progress

    Thanks so much for the kind words! This build could be done in as little as two days from now...however, a series of strong storms are now hitting where I live and the forecast is for rain for the next seven days so like the other three models I just finished it may take a while before I can...
  18. M

    Bf 110G-4 in-progress

    Thanks Terry and Ian! :good Matrixone
  19. M

    1946 - Me P.1099B - JUST FINISHED!...

    1946 - Me P.1099B - RLM 84 a... That's looking great Luiz! The color you chose for the undersurfaces is fine, trying to evaluate colors on a model using indoor lighting is pointless. The way I feel about painting models of these late war aircraft is getting as close as I can with the colors...
  20. M

    Bf 110G-4 in-progress

    Thanks for the comments! After finishing three other models I have returned to this poor old Bf 110 and am getting close to getting this completed too. A lot of the small breakable bits have been glued on the underside and after doing so I can't help but wonder how this older aircraft design...