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Reality in Small Carpets on Real Cloth

Reality in Scale (RiS) seems to find new mediums with which to use for modeling products.  Here, they offer a large sheet of fibrous paper onto which they have printed carpet designs.


A rather large sheet, one quarter of an A4 aheet in size, is found inside a ©Ziploc bag with a paper insert which has the instructions for use.  The paper is rather thick and, learning from my experience with their real cloth products, I have used sharp scissors to cut the design.  There is a sticky paper backing to it which needs removal.

There are 35 designs on this sheet as can be seen int he first photograph. 


The second is a close up which shows the fibers.  

After cutting the design out, I will use glue to apply it to the surface I wish.

Care needs to be exercised if using them under figures as the fibers can lift a figure up.  In order to convey an illusion of weight, pin any figures through the carpets.

It is a nice update.  It is the best in this medium so far.

My thanks to RiS for the sample.

First release
Last update
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