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moon puppy

Modeler of the Month for February is Warren Joyce



One reason I like the winter months is we can generally find the Sharkman in port working on one of his seaplanes. Warren is a great contributor to our forum and is always willing to show techniques, share his work in progress and never shy about asking or offering help.

That's just some of the reasons Warren is Modeler of the Month for February.


A little background from Warren:
By day, I’m a marine biologist specializing in shark research while working for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for the Government of Canada. I live in the wonderful province of Nova Scotia on Canada’s east coast and I have loved sharks since I was a kid. I feel quite fortunate that I have been able to make a career out of studying them for a living and it has given me the chance to study them here in Canada as well as the Caribbean, the Faroe Islands, the eastern US and Japan. I also assist with the study of grey seals off the east coast and help with aging saltwater fish in general, a practice used towards assessing healthy fish stocks.

By night, I am the busy father of two beautiful little girls, husband and modeler!

The first model I built that I can remember was a 1/48 hornet. When I say “ I built” I use the term loosely as my dad did most of the building, as I was only 6 or 7 at the time. I enjoyed model building from then on and mostly modeled automobiles. I remember I got my first airbrush when I was 14 and I modeled up until I was about 15 or 16 when I completely got out of the hobby and sold everything off.

I met my lovely wife in 2008 and am fortunate that she re-introduced me to the hobby. She had built a few kits herself and suggested that I try and take it up again as a hobby (wonder if she regrets that now?). I bought a Revell P-38 and fumbled my way through it, brush painting it as I had no air brush, and began to read some of the online forums to learn a few new tricks of the trade.

I quickly developed a fascination for float planes and flying boats after finding a Supermodel BV 138 in the local hobby store. Shortly after, I decided to focus mainly in float plane builds, in 1/48 (I just find 1/72 too small and 1/32 too large) while collecting other normal aircraft that were more odd or unusual. I really enjoy torpedo bombers as well and am drawn towards Japanese aircraft too!

I consider myself a work in progress and am still trying to learn different techniques, both from others and from posts on forums such as MA. In the few years I’ve been back to the hobby I feel I’ve learned a lot and have met quite a few great people. I find modeling is a great way to relax from the trials of daily life and it always gives me great pleasure to get an hour in at the bench or just surfing the forums checking out others progress! Every build is a learning experience!




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