• Modelers Alliance has updated the forum software on our website. We have migrated all post, content and user accounts but we could not migrate the passwords.
    This requires that you manually reset your password.
    Please click here, http://modelersalliance.org/forums/login to go to logon page and use the "Forgot your Password" option.

moon puppy

Master Box LTD added to Weblinks

We have added Master Box LTD on our list of Weblinks and we encourage you to check them out.


"Master Box " Ltd is a dynamically developing enterprise. We have the opportunity to independently produce all the necessary equipment for the manufacturing of models; from the development of the design and documentation to the packaging of the finished goods.

"Master Box" Ltd aspires to create multifaceted, emotionally charged products, which will be of interest to a broad range of modelers.


moon puppy
First release
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