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Mad City Modelers 2025 Show instead of KCCON 2025.


Super Moderator
This is the show held in the huge church in Kansas City, Kansas in conjunction with KCAMPS.
The Shocking Pink Surgeons plan to voyage South this coming Saturday to join in the IPMS-style judging.
I don't like to wait the whole day and then some, for the less than friendly KC AMPS club to finish judging, so I will enter NO Armor.
KC Visitor Picture.jpeg
Mark Karolus has found an interesting picture of how visitors may be received in KC. We must be cautious.
Many "special" coins may be dispensed at this event.
I will look forward to seeing Terry Barrow (Mr. T) at this event.
I had forms for KCCON printed and filled out. Models loaded and ready. Then that Friday night, we went to supper with Tim & Brandi Jo Clark.
Spicy red salsa is not my friend anymore. :cry:
My innards would not allow long-distance highway travel. Sorry!

After a weeks delay, we sallied forth for Madision, Wisconasin!
Once again, the shocking pink surgeons depart for points north and east on Iowa Highway 151. 0631 launch from Marion should allow time for a sumptuous per-show breakfast and arrival in plenty of rime to register and begin Teresa's customary raffle harvest. Weather is windy with variable visibility and haze. I laid or course out to arrive at Jimmy's Diner in Dodgeville, WI for the aforementioned breakfast, and we DID!