Super Moderator
I haven't been to a Club meeting in 2024 yet.
One of our satellite members has healed up and is back to his bench. Gentlemen, I give you Finescale Ship Model reviewer and connoisseur of all thngs Nautical and Wisconasin:
Mark Karolus

US Coast Guard WPC (B) 165' hull converted to a 1/700 FDNY fireboat. She looks a little like the 1931 John L. Harvey! In photo #1 you can make out the regular WPC and a Cape Island fishing boat in the same scale.

Dragon's 1/700 (1/600 actually) HMS Dragon Type 45 D class Destroyer.......

Dragon 1/700 DDG-1000 USS Zumwalt.......

Some of Mark's completed vessels.

Mark is also tasked with painting the Revell 1/240 Gato class US Navy submarine in relationship to the amount of donations the Wisconasin Maritime Museum has received to drydock USS Cobia for hull maintenance and refinishing. The figures are Museum staff members. Emily Shedal is attaching the "Clean Sweep" broom to the periscope shears. Paul Rutherford is aiming for the stars on the bridge. Karen Duvalle is coming down the steps, pointing to the $777,000.00 donation mark.
This is where the planned Plastic Surgeons "Great Submarine Sleep-Over" will occur one day.
The 18 January 2024 Plastic Surgeons Christmas Party was postponed by lousy weather. More to come on those festivities when they actually occur!
One of our satellite members has healed up and is back to his bench. Gentlemen, I give you Finescale Ship Model reviewer and connoisseur of all thngs Nautical and Wisconasin:
Mark Karolus

US Coast Guard WPC (B) 165' hull converted to a 1/700 FDNY fireboat. She looks a little like the 1931 John L. Harvey! In photo #1 you can make out the regular WPC and a Cape Island fishing boat in the same scale.

Dragon's 1/700 (1/600 actually) HMS Dragon Type 45 D class Destroyer.......

Dragon 1/700 DDG-1000 USS Zumwalt.......

Some of Mark's completed vessels.

Mark is also tasked with painting the Revell 1/240 Gato class US Navy submarine in relationship to the amount of donations the Wisconasin Maritime Museum has received to drydock USS Cobia for hull maintenance and refinishing. The figures are Museum staff members. Emily Shedal is attaching the "Clean Sweep" broom to the periscope shears. Paul Rutherford is aiming for the stars on the bridge. Karen Duvalle is coming down the steps, pointing to the $777,000.00 donation mark.
The 18 January 2024 Plastic Surgeons Christmas Party was postponed by lousy weather. More to come on those festivities when they actually occur!
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