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2024 Plastic Surgeons Posts


Super Moderator
I haven't been to a Club meeting in 2024 yet.
One of our satellite members has healed up and is back to his bench. Gentlemen, I give you Finescale Ship Model reviewer and
connoisseur of all thngs Nautical and Wisconasin:
Mark Karolus :yipee:
US Coast Guard WPC (B) 165' hull converted to a 1/700 FDNY fireboat. She looks a little like the 1931 John L. Harvey! In photo #1 you can make out the regular WPC and a Cape Island fishing boat in the same scale.
Dragon's 1/700 (1/600 actually) HMS Dragon Type 45 D class Destroyer.......
Dragon 1/700 DDG-1000 USS Zumwalt.......
Some of Mark's completed vessels.
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Mark is also tasked with painting the Revell 1/240 Gato class US Navy submarine in relationship to the amount of donations the Wisconasin Maritime Museum has received to drydock USS Cobia for hull maintenance and refinishing. The figures are Museum staff members. Emily Shedal is attaching the "Clean Sweep" broom to the periscope shears. Paul Rutherford is aiming for the stars on the bridge. Karen Duvalle is coming down the steps, pointing to the $777,000.00 donation mark.
This is where the planned Plastic Surgeons "Great Submarine Sleep-Over" will occur one day.

The 18 January 2024 Plastic Surgeons Christmas Party was postponed by lousy weather. More to come on those festivities when they actually occur!
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Aaron Rogers picks the review models for his magazine. Mark was working on the 1/350 ABSD-1 10-section floating drydock from Takom.
1,100 parts and over 4 feet long. A real nut-buster! He doesn't get to choose which model he reviews. He can refuse kits that are not in his "Wheelhouse". :lol: I don't ask Mark to break the chain of Finescale command and review a TLAR kit. It seems inappropriate.

Some of the resin castings I send Mark are less than perfect. I send TLAR stuff to Mark to keep his hands busy and spark his imagination. Models without a deadline, see?
Mr. Karolus was inducted into the Plastic Surgeons in May of 2021. A proper ceremony with witnesses, even.
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I also send him kits that his knowledge of Wisconasin maritime heritage have inspired. He does quite a lot of research for Manitowoc and Sturgeon Bay built vessels for TLAR Models use. He's an expert in that field and well respected in the industry. At the end of the day, He is my trusted friend and we do one another kindnesses. He built TLAR's 1/700 Asheville class PGB. USS Canon. He also built a TLAR Hunley and did such a fine job, I lacked the ability to continue Life without having it in my collection.
Not all "favors" are strictly model-related between Men. An FDNY shirt from 11 September.
I thought Mark's FDNY Fireboat needed decals and proper flags.
These go in a tardy Christmas package with a 1/700 RV Calypso kit.
We had our Club Christmas party and gift exchange in fair weather, last Thursday. We went to Benchwarmers in Ankeny. The food was pretty good and our server did a really good job keeping up! I was remiss in my duties and took no pictures. We did have a nice visit, but we departed when Ray began to doze off, with a full happy tummy, in his chair. No news on which club member was elected Surgeon of the Year yet.

My Christmas gift included a started Hobbyboss 1/48 F6F-5N Hellcat nightfighter and a Revell 1/48 Ju-87 Stuka kit that looks complete and unstarted. Hans Ulrich Rudel's markings!! I gave Ray the commie Hellcat kit. I didn't want my old friend to feel left out.

Mark Johnson got our TLAR package. It had Cap-Holder-O-Matic, Ron's Bunnies and Yankee Doodle Pidgeon and his Bomb-A-Kaze Pidgeon Drone companion. Non-ship stuff that might make a dandy present for a non-ship model maker.
Hey Bob Haag asks for some decals of artwork for an undisclosed model project.
No problem! The easy stuff I do right away.
From the tropic division of IMPS Plastic Surgeons comes a winter scene. Wehrmacht 1/35 SdkFz-11, the 3-tonner this time at Kharkov. Greg has been keeping busy as his eye-bobbers heal. I would say it's going pretty well so far!
Jose posted some pictures from the Christmas party. My Facehole liaison officer hi-jacked them for your viewing pleasure!
Teresa purchased this fine little sloop. A "Senior Day" vessel found drydocked at Goodwill.
Thanks for looking in again!


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Teresa and I live in a house where Busy Hands are Happy Hands.
SurgiCon 28 is coming up 6 April 2024. We had an idea for an award to commemorate our big friend, and Plastic Surgeon plank-owner, Don Barry with a special award.
Teresa did the Cricut artwork and cut the vinyl. I "weeded" the appliqués and the Teresa put them "on paper" and installed them.
I put my Dork Goggles on to see the tiny bits of vinyl that needed removed and carefully peel the unnecessary color.
Don was never without his insulated mug. I confess, this 100 ounce mug is not the same size Don preferred. The winner of this monstrousity will not forget this in a drawer or make a base out of it! I miss our Giant everyday.
This project spawned club decals suitable for applying to vehicles. Blue or red was the question.
"Is this not Plastic Surgery Awareness Month? Should we not, as a group, support the efforts of thinner women in their pursuit of wealthier husbands, more expensive cars to drive and larger alimony payments?" I ask you, what kind of nut suggests such a thing?

Rather than watching Taylor Swift's boyfriend and his mates beat up those on those poor kids from San Ferisco, we spent our Sunday evening in fond remembrance of our gone but not forgotten friend, Big Don Barry.

Chuck Sterns special awards are on the way from Virginia. I never bother myself about what such things cost. At what price, Honor?
Such are the wages paid for being blessed (and cursed) with a memory like the one I have.

Stay tuned, Brothers! More Plastic Surgeon fun to come!
In keeping with the same awards motif, the Chuck Sterns Junior award and the Chuck Sterns award for older children arrived today.
I have been remiss. I have kept so busy with my own projects, I have been starving my devoted readers for the current Plastic Surgeon happenings. My apologize!

9 February Meeting:
I lost a fight with a 75 gallon water heater Thursday at work. Painkiller Jane was good to me, and I was in no shape for driving or model frivolity.
I did a good job laying down, giggling and drooling.

Good Ol' Francisco Melendez helped fill in the blanks!
Winner of last years Plastic Surgeon of the Year was Jose' Luis Gonzalez. Our group awards this trophy a year late. This award used to be based on improvements in model making, service to other modelers, overall good humor, attendance and taking a leading role in Club business.
I seems our newest Jose' is well liked at very least! See here his Eduard 1/48 P-39 Airacobra and a Monogram 1/48 F4U-4 Corsair in Honduran Football war garb. Congratulations Jose'! May your flow of good humor and vintage model builds never cease!
From the Don-A-Tion event, Hey Bob Haag finishes his Kangnam 1/72 RA-5C Vigilante. He did a fine job on the old Hasegawa Vigi knock-off kit!

From the Same Don-A-Tion event, Ross Petra finishes the 1/35 DML 10.5cm I FH 18/40 field Gun. An Artillery homage to our big Buddy. I'm sure he is pleased!
Bob Maloy's 1/24 "Frankenstein" Dodge flatbed and cool drop tank racer are taking shape quite nicely! (It's pronounced 'Frankensteen'!)
Bob bought his 1/24 scale resin P-38 drop tank on line. He comments on how thick and crude the casting is for the price. I cannot disagree.
Ronnie Schultz has been up to his old tricks! His 1/24 '69 Charger/Wolfie kitbash looks scary enough! The '40 Chevy (?) Blackforce kit seems fitting for Black History Month, even if it sports a metallic blue paint job, don't you agree?

Joachim Lotz does his signature good job on his Tamiya (?) 1/35 JGSDF Type 90 mine roller tank kit. Joe fixed pigments with glue for texture on his Type 90. Then a surprise, a Tamiya 1/48 Dewotine D.520 in early French Armee De' la Aire markings. Neet-O!
Club President Nathan Stevens healed from the plague and fired up the 1/72 silver/natural metal production line at Cowboy Customz in Dayton, IA. MiG's and Lightnings and Thunderjets! Oh my! Yes there's an SNJ/Texan as well. Shiny!!
From Satellite Surgeon Greg Metge in tropical Florida, comes an SdKfz. 11 3-Ton prime mover. This Kharkov machine is posed in it's natural snowy element. It do look cold, don't it?

Here's a Milestone Model!
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Remember Kevin Nelson? Jokester, friend and all-around pretty good guy?
He finished a MODEL!
"Big Deal, Rhino, everyone but you finishes models."
You ain't lyin'! BUT! This is the first model Kevin has finished since he had a rather intensive, extensive noggin surgery.
See here the tried and true, old school, Tamiya 1/35 Panzer II J in Deutches Afrika Korps livery. I admire Kevin because he just won't give up.
He cain't drive good in the dark yet, but he CAN model!! :yipee:
I wonder if he can decal yet? :silly:

A final thought;
We have devoted threads here to new acquisitions and reviews. I enjoy those threads at my leisure in the comfort of my own home.

If we're collectors, that's fine. but I believe the business of Club meetings should be about creating something new, building and painting an in-process kit, sharing tips & tricks, chatting about pitfalls, finishes, the appropriate green, contest news and chapter business.
The skill and devotion required to assemble, paint and weather a kit is what I think the hobby is most about.
I will not be posting any more pictures or commentary about model purchases. Anyone can do that.

Thanks for looking in again!
Oh! Francisco is embarking on a challenging project. His good friend Rafael Rivera served aboard WPB-1319, USCGC Chandeleur.
An Island class 110' Coast Guard Cutter. "Frank" plans a 1/72 scale scratch build of Rafy's cutter to honor his friendship and his service.
Rumor has it Francisco already has the necessary plans for this ambitious project. She would be 18.3 inches Length Over All in 1/72 scale.
Stay tuned!
No, I will not be Mastering this kit. Are you gnuts?!?
Teresa's Busy Hands are Happy Hands! She's been scratch-building/crocheting like a Mad Martigan.
3 baby blankets for great grandchildren and then this!
Meet Polly Pig.
Do you know what you call a pig with no legs?
It don't matter much. She won't come to you anyhow.
29 February Club meeting post:
Colton joins ud for supper and meeting night again tonight. He added some stowage to his Early M-26 Pershing, and then, the Sherman he got from Don's house received some crude turret texture. "You altered a Sherman tank model from The Master's collection?" High sacrilege, indeed!!
Colton's intentions were good. He was just having fun.

Then the big surprise. I learned something about armor models form Young Colton. He explained to me that the extra armor on the Pershing turret was a counter-balance for the huge 90mm gun it carried, rather than armor like shurtzen German tanks in WWII had. Whooddathunkit!?!
Proof even I don't know ever'thang.
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Ray is wrapping up a Takom 1/35 StuG IIIF. He comments that Takom instructions are pure fantasy for model makers that are unfamiliar with German WWII armor. I think the Chinese know this, and I'm near sure they make fun of all of us for trying to follow such.
Ray's markings are interesting. The blue ID numbers look soothing, but came form Ray's spares. I asked about the chicken decal on the front fender. "It's an eagle." No. No it's not. Also from spare decals.

Bob Maloy's 1/24 Drop-Tank racer and Dodge flatbed truck are coming along. Bob says he won't close up the racer, so you can see what went on in there. It's really cool! The wood truck bed is made form veneer and looks used and authentic. So far, I don't think Bob will chop the top n the Dodge, but who can say what surgery our car model surgeon will commit next?
Dave Bettis came by with his 1/35 Academy M-60 and an Ace Models 1/72 T-55 Enigma kit. (whut?) Dave likes to build "Turds" and the Ace 1/72 T-55 certainly fits the bill!
Ron Schultz has been up to his old tricks, re-habbing built car models and Promotional cars. The Ranchero was particularly interesting.
Hey Bob Haag has been experimenting with candy apple red spray paint. The Pinto funny car body is base coated in gold. The Camaro funny car body was base coated in silver. The Pinto really pops! Bob just learned the "Warm up your spray can with hot tap water" trick.
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Nate Stevens Alclad paint factory produces 2 Hobbyboss "Easy build" 1/72 MiG-15's, 2 Hobbyboss "easy build" 1/72 P-38L Lightnings, 1 Academy F-84E Thunderjet and 1 Tamiya 1/72 F-84E Thunderbirds Thunderjet. "Look, here's proof Japan can print white decals!" Nathan is thrilled with Tamiya decal fit and opacity on the Thunderbird model. The Academy decals come with their F-84E, but Nathan is unimpressed with the way they fit the model. His Alclad technique is beyond reproach.

Teresa and I brought the Plastic Surgeons vinyl decals she made up on her Cri-Cut. We had enough to supply the Plastic Surgeons "Plank-Owners". Members since 1994, tonight, save Curt Young because he wasn't at this meeting.

I have "specials" in mind for Joachim and Jose'! It's an experiment so I hope no one is holding their breath.
"Don't rush me kid! You rush a Miracle Man, you get rotten miracles."
By the time we finish our decal program every Club member will have one. If they behave! (?!?) Greg got his Golden Surgeon decal first.
Wendy Hounsom and Teresa's are pink!
I had resin care packages for Ron, Dave Bettis, Jose' and Jack Kuhns. Jose' and Jack weren't around, so they have to wait until later.

In closing, during the meeting, Teresa and I got some news from USCGC Active, the "Li'l Tough Guy" WMEC-618 Homeported at Port Angeles, Washington.
Our grandson, Tatum fell very ill in early February. He was almost quarantined and there wasn't shit I could do about making it any better.
At 10 years old with 20+ surgeries under his belt, Tatum is our very own "Li'l Tough Guy". I won't tell the whole story here, but I asked the officers and crew of WMEC-618 if they would take a picture of themselves and send it "From Our Li'l Tough Guy to yours!" for Tatum and his family. Ensign Thomas Gehman sent this:
You got this Tatum!.jpg

Teresa and I were so moved and impressed, I needed to wipe my eyes and Teresa excused herself to dab at hers. I asked strangers for a favor. This is what the US Coast Guard cutter Active crew created to boost the spirits of our Grandson and his family.
Not every club member knew about this. It is not truly a modeling subject.
I trusted a few friends and Men of Faith to pray for our own Li'l Tough Guy.
It happens that my 1/350 Reliance class build for instructions, is USCGC Active.
Whatever the US Coast Guard may lack in numbers, they more than make up for with their kindnesses, Honor, Generosity and Heart!
Abso-f-ing-lutely OUTSTANDING!
4-O USCGC Active!

Thanks for looking in!
The IAW Graphics mill was running this morning. Ron Schultz asked me to womp him up some Club decals in model car scale.
This is a proof, printed on 4X6 photo paper. These MUST be coated with Microsol liquid decal film or the inkjet ink runs.
Alas, poor Yourik. I knew him well, Horatio. A Rhino of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. A thousand time he hath borne me upon his back.........
Teresa continues to crochet like crazy. Rhino-sauce-a-ceros? Rhiner-oceros? Rhino-saurus?
He will wear bib-overalls with a pocket soon.